I hate how they're trying to make the horde "good". It's nonsense

They were fine before the dev team got reshuffled and people who only wanted to write the most boring generic fantasy cliches took the wheel. Hopefully Metzen is actually involved to correct course, because Copeland still works for blizzard.


Finding ways to reignite the faction conflict over and over was becoming more and more convoluted and stale over the years every time we set aside our differences to team up to take down your lich kings, or deathwings, or burning legions or what have you.

Also, the OP has clearly been brainwashed by Garrosh propaganda. The horde are a bunch of outcasts that banded together to survive in a harsh world. The few that had ambitions of being bloodthirsty conquers wound up in the dirt, showing us all the folly of their ways.


You’re literally trolling lol

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You assume that the villain bat has to be a certain way, and that MoP said and did everything that could be said and done.

The factions didn’t even actually team up for those…

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Is he wrong?

SL horde involvement: Baine gets called useless, has to be rescued twice, Thrall throws axe at helya ineffectively. Vol’jin’s return is teased.

DF horde involvement: Baine is kinda racist

BFA horde involvement: BFA.


Feel free to explain that then

Are you implying horde actually did stuff during SL/DF/Legion?

Cuz man, all I remember is every single important NPC being alliance


Only the villain blood elves following Kael’thas in BC were ever portrayed like that. The ones who joined the Horde never were.


Literally fighting side by side at the wrathgate isn’t teaming up? Ok buddy…


It did bud.

Then they did the exact same arc 2 expansions later

So no. There is nothing of merit in horde being the villains for a 3rd time and particularly not when it would undermine one of the most important QOL advancements in years: cross faction gameplay.


they didn’t even have the balls to acknowledge that the alliance blindsiding the horde when not at war was maybe a little bit of an act of war.

but then again they did the exact same thing in Cata


Nah man, horde are always the bad guys, alliance is always the good guys

Alliance murdering civilians multiple times was a good thing!


This is the problem with “faction conflict” storylines; the Alliance is never actually allowed to be villains because of how hard they’ve been pigeon holed as the faction of “good” and “nice”.

What we should have gotten in BFA, what would have made it an actually decent storyline, is if the writers had taken a page out of mists and made it so there were heroes and villains on both sides with players having to make hard choices and question the morality of their own leadership as the war ground on and on.

But that won’t happen. Because the alliance can never be villains. Hypocrites perhaps, but never villains.


When has the horde not been good?

Most of the races are more good than bad, with forsaken being morally questionable.

But none of them are bad or evil. They’re just trying to defend themselves and carve out a place in this world. That’s what the alliance is doing too.

Where do people get the idea of

horde = bad
Alliance = good



My problem is that they do the villainous things, the leads just never actually acknowledge it.

The gulf between what you actually see in game and the metanarrative is wide. I’m supposed to think Garrosh is history’s greatest monster for invading ashenvale for needed supplies, but Varian invading the barrens immediately before that for ??Reasons?? is okay?


The understatement of the year if you consider torture, the contamination of entire regions, and the consumption of other living beings as merely questionable. xD


dead’s dead, who honestly wants corpses around anyway? they’re tidying up the place.


It didn’t even work that well in Mists since Garrosh was over the top evil in Tides of War. Garrosh nuking Theramore, using secret police against Horde people, murdering Horde people who questioned the nuking, etc.

Mists and BfA both suffered from the same thing: the Warchief being over the top evil from the start.

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But that’s just it: What they did wasn’t villainous, because they’re the faction of “good” and “nice” so by default every action has to be justified with even their more heinous stuff (camp tarujo) getting glossed over. Hell theres a moment in Mop where they’re slaughtering horde marines who are just desperately trying to get to shore and not Drown as part of the Alliance intro campaign and this just get’s glossed over because the admiral’s family lived in south shore.

It sucks, it’s bad writing and it’s why I am turbo done with faction war.



They’ve supplanted most of the Horde radical elements throughout the previous expansions.

Garrosh, Sylvanas, Cairne, Voljin.

Most of the lose canon or “cooler” aspects of the Horde have been stripped out to be replace with next to nothing as remotely good or worse Alliance values.

You sorta get the impression that story wise they can’t do anything but pull apart the Horde whereas if they tried doing that against the Alliance then someone’s mind would collapse inwards.

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Well being hunted down like animals just because your dead (even though you’re literally their former family members) probably doesn’t leave one with a positive view of human/alliance members