I hate Combo Strikes depending on strict button rotation

A damage boost when not in repeat of an ability has always annoyed me. It always feels like I’m being forced into a strict button rotation. Instead I thought of alternatives:

  1. A flat bonus to damage not dependent on ability use.
  2. Mastery is an X increase to energy regen
  3. Mastery is an X reduction in CD of FoF and maybe a few others.
  4. Mastery grants a chance to activate a new buff for Monks dependent on something.

You’re advocating the removal of the one thing that makes Windwalker unique among all the other classes and changing Mastery into Haste.

The Mastery style moved Windwalker away from a strict rotation and is why it has one of the least “rotation-y” playstyles in the game.

It is possible that Windwalker just isn’t for you, which is totally fine.


I offered 4 alternatives, one that included literally what we already have, just not forcing a non-repeat rotation.

“just isn’t for you”
maybe I’ve been around the souls community too much where this is the response to virtually anything someone who doesn’t like something about a souls game gets told by a hardcore fan. But I usually write this off as gatekeeping nonsense. You also followed with the typical “totally fine”. I’ve seen this response a thousand times from people always in the same context. It’s basically a diplomatic way of saying to someone “your take on this is meaningless”

And it doesn’t make the class unique at all. It makes it more annoying to play. Feeling like you’re being punishment in DPS over using an ability twice in a row. Out of every class Monks have the most annoying rotation. I have no idea how you come to the conclusion of the least rotationy classes. It feels like the class literally pushes the player into a specific sequence of abilities the entire time. Tiger palm, then use rising sun, then tiger palm, then black out kick. Now I have to wait for tiger palm to be avaliable because I’m not allowed to use blackout as a repeat or I have a DPS fall off.

Yeah but it’s not nearly as punishing if it falls off as it used to be. Combo strikes in legion was 15% increase and it took some time to rebuild. You would literally start watching your DPS plummet.

I hated it then but today it’s not as bad. It is what makes us unique and it’s not a major challenge keeping it up either.


See, the issue is this is really true for every dps. Using the wrong spell at the wrong time is a dps loss for any class. Staria already told you, it’s far less punishing than it used to be. Learn to play properly, like every other dps who follows a priority, or accept your poor play.


I don’t know anything about the Souls games and their communities, but in WoW you have more than a dozen DPS specs you can play. So if you don’t like how one plays, you can just play a different one that you do enjoy playing.

There are thousands of people who enjoy playing Windwalker because of the reasons you don’t enjoy, just like I’m sure there are thousands who don’t play Windwalker because they don’t enjoy those things.

It’s a game, and you should play what you like to play, but if you don’t like playing Windwalker, then why not play something else?


I’m usually up for broader gameplay, customization and playstyle-preferences, but I think this request would be too steep for reasons:

  1. Only class with this unique mechanic
  2. Homogenization, WW would become too similar to other melee DPS specs (Havor / Fury)
  3. Game should have “harder” and “easier” specs
  4. Doesn’t make sense for WW, this change would perhaps promote one or two more blackout kicks in RSK / FOF rotation, otherwise it would remain quite the same.
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" then why not play something else?"

I do. I’ve mained a DH for the last 9 years. During that time I have barely touched anything else. I quit WoW I think for a good 3 years and then came back only recently. Partly because I feel most classes feel like crap in the regard they are all super boring.

So you hopped onto the forums to advocate a spec you don’t play because you don’t enjoy it get changed so that you might enjoy it? What about all the people that play it because they already enjoy it?

What do you want Windwalker changed so you enjoy it instead of just sticking with DH or trying another spec you may enjoy?


I enjoy the Monk. It’s only this one part I don’t enjoy. I mained a Monk up until WoD. Once they introduced this passive I quit playing it.

“get changed so that you might enjoy it? What about all the people that play it because they already enjoy it?”
They aren’t going to change the spec over a single thread. Unless this thread got thousands upon thousands of views and comments advocating for the change as well. And so far no one here agrees with this change.

I also wanted to touch upon individuals saying this single passive is what makes the spec unique. Monk is already not unique. It basically follows the same style as rogues. Except it’s Chi and not combo points.

There’s probably an argument to be made here that that’s a pretty serious issue in class design if you rely on ONE single passive to make it unique.

Chi and combo points are pretty crucially different, in that combo points function more like a buff to your spenders than a resource. If anything, Chi is more similar to holy power.

Similarities aren’t that much of an issue imo, as long as the class or spec as a whole feels unique. But removing unique mechanics is the opposite of helpful in that context.


So you want monk to be boring too?


Guys I think Babylonius got hit with a gnomification ray. Something looks off


Fair point with holy power.

I like combo strikes as it functions now, and the only thing I want is for more of our abilities to benefit from it. TOTM kicks should benefit if the triggering kick did. ETC


me personally i wouldnt be torn up if they did a new mastery to try and freshen it up a little

WW was more unique with TEB. It was the only dps that did not have a traditional offensive CD. WW became another CD centric dps. I find the argument that WW is unique because of combo strikes is lacklustre as it fails to consider how its introduction coincided with WW becoming a generic CD centric dps.

Furthermore, combo strikes limits the range of abilities and playstyles WW can have. See the loss of chi explosion - an ability that simply doesn’t work with combo strikes. Lore wise, i dont think it makes sense either as repeating the same attack is not (think of the ol’ 1, 1, 2 combo in boxing. Even in fighting games like Street Fighter, hitting the same attack/button is not unusual for combos and special abilities.

However, the OP’s mastery alternatives are not good solutions with it basically making mastery an alternative to haste in function.

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I’ve always felt it was a lazy mastery because it doesn’t really feel like you’re “comboing” or being rewarded. It always feels instead like the dmg with combo strikes is the baseline and if you decide to press the same button twice you’re just being punished. That and you naturally alternate the abilities anyway because of the builder/spender nature.

I think something like Blackout Combo on brewmaster feels more like a true combo and would be cool to see windwalker reworked to be more like that.

Like blackout kick causes your next rsk/tiger Palm/sck to gain a bonus effect, scaling with mastery. And RSK causes your next bok/tiger Palm/sck to gain a bonus effect, scaling with mastery. Not a fully baked idea but you get the jist

I think the point is that it doesn’t feel like a satisfying combo youre being rewarded for, mainly because it’s an arbitrary flat dmg increase that is in effect like 99% of the time. So it feels like the baseline and instead you just get a slap across the face for pressing a button twice in a row.

Demon hunter for example has actual combos and it feels very satisfying and rewarding to pull off while you do lose DPS for doing it wrong just the same.

If doing something gets you more damage, and the goal is to do the most damage, then does not doing that thing costs you damage potential, or does doing it gain you damage? It’s just a matter of perspective and semantics.

It also depends on what you mean by “combo”, does needing to press RSK and FoF to press WDP count as a combo? Does RSK reducing the CD of FoF or BoK reducing the CD of both count as a combo?

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