I was questing in the Echo Isles and I found another warrior who was doing the same quest as me, we grouped together and killed all the trolls. Then he asked me if I would help him kill the level 10 troll at the other end of the island. Me not being a dummy I didn’t pass up an opportunity to get experience so I said ok. After that we got split up due to a D/C. But later we saw each other again and started jumping around in joy. We quested from 6 to 9 through lots of D/C’s. It was the most fun I have ever had playing the game. If anybody even reads to here I would like to know if you guys have had any cool stress test experiences.
Retail for me has become a collection mini-game.
Gotta keep up the collection ever few months. Every few years the collection gets a big update so I play longer than usual, then it settles down.
Really does feel like a mobile game.
Both stress tests I immediately got into groups with very nice people who are passionate about classic. Seems there are a lot of like-minded people when it comes to community.
I made more friends in Elwynn forest in the stress test than I’ve made in WoW in the last 4 expansions.
This is what made the game good, the social aspect of it
But this is why layering can be horrible
What if you dc’d, then logged on again and were different layers and never seen each other again
@ Hafez , so true!
These kinds of experiences open up even more as you get to doing more and more dungeons. Some of the best friends I ever made while playing WoW are people I met during the downtime of finding new group members and waiting for people to get to the dungeon when we don’t have a warlock to summon them.
I didn’t get to do full vanilla, started near the end, but I rerolled like 20 times, and every time I did so I met awesome people (different people even then the previous rolled toon)
As many say, their best friends got made by playing, this is how and why, every toon has a chance to be a new experience and meet new people
Aren’t we supposed to be assigned to a layer, as in layers being minirealms within a realm? So that when I log in, I am in the same layer no matter what?
This was my experience too. I met some great people during the first test, and we’ve been chatting through battle.net!
Legit. The only reason to go back to WoW will be to collect all the end of expansion goodies like some sort of party favor bag.
Yeah on the first stress test I was hitting the orc/troll starting zone with a raid of alliance then the next day we continued with as a party of level 5s; 3 rogues and a priest to bait them into flagging. It was a ton of fun!
Outside of that I’ve noticed A LOT more players interacting and socialising, whether that’s me and another grouping for a particular quest, buffing others as they walk by, and much more. The community is way more active in classic and it’s not even out yet.
That looks like so much fun.
Yep lots of little spontaneous groups. Getting good work done.
I ended up spending today just going around Elwynn looking for alternative questing areas. For when Fargodeep and Hogger and that one Murloc camp by Eastvale are getting camped by 30 people on Day 1.
More fun than I had at any point in my rep grind with Proudmoore Admirality. Felt more impactful to my game experience too.
Nope. You switch layers on login, continent transition, grouping, and sometimes randomly (may be a bug).
I’d kill for layering to be as static as what you described. That would remove the sharding/CRZ elements of layering and then I’d be 100% on board with layering.
I was leveling an orc hunter in durotar, killing harpies for a quest. Looted a green shield, said “oh neat too bad i cant use these”, rounded a corner and found a warrior also killing harpies. He immediately invited me to group, I accepted, and chucked the shield at him (since all he had was a 1h axe).
“holy” quickly followed by “thx!” in /say
Few minutes later, another hunter joins the group. Right as he did, I ran outta ammo, made a joke that I was gonna level my axe skill. Hunter immediately opens trade and hands me a couple stacks of arrows.
It was a wholesome questing experience through and through!

Nope. You switch layers on login, continent transition, grouping, and sometimes randomly (may be a bug).
I’d kill for layering to be as static as what you described. That would remove the sharding/CRZ elements of layering and then I’d be 100% on board with layering.
I hope Blizz makes adjustments to make layers more static , and we see results of that on the beta/stress test. Still will be better when layering is gone of course.
That kind of stuff is why Classic is great.
Now I bet you can understand why vanilla pservers are still going strong today.
So many people love wow…the original old wow.