I had no idea how unfair AV was until

Absolutely. I wish they would just cave and let a full 40 queue up (or even 20 for that matter). That puts the pugs at a disadvantage, but it at least gets some of the Alliance’s best players back so we can get back to having some good games.

There were some good games this weekend, unfortunately due to one particular map imbalance, they always ended horde wins. My opinion, the biggest difference is where Druids summon Treebeard vs where Shamans summon Ice Dad. If Treebeard could be summoned at a more easily defended location, I am positive Horde would have lost at least 4 of the games I was in this weekend. Probably more.

If everything being said was true then AV would be endless Field of Strife stalemates until one side fell asleep. But someone is actually winning the turf war and ultimately the bg and it isn’t SFGY. So something isn’t adding up.

The zerg strat only works if horde also zerg.

Not really. The zerg works best if Alliance stop and pick off the incoming horde wave trying to stop the zerg as a group. Typically Horde will be trickling in and Alliance have an opportunity to kill multiple single / dual targets if they stop and burn them. Force enough horde to respawn early, carrying on with the march south. That’s how a lot of the premades did it (remember not all of them were good). It takes some coordination, but that’s not exactly hard to coordinate. Pick a side. Everyone go that way. Everyone stop to crush resistance. Everyone remount quickly once resistance is crushed.

That requires the players to actually be playing though which isn’t common today :frowning:

What are you confused on?

SFGY is the key to the map. You need it to assault either SHGY or IBGY with proper support.

Of the games where SF is contested and it’s back and forth, the horde (because they can drop down out of the IBGY) can bypass SFGY and assualt SHGY.

This redirection could cause the alliance to over compensate by moving too many to support SHGY leaving SFGY unsupported, but this back and forth of redirection will last until one side wins the race up.

Then the game boils down to rogues assaulting bunkers or towers and their timers and how many can cap. MOST OF THE TIME.

Because the alliance need to contend with a hard progression path south due to the starting cave spawn mechanic, the horde are still likely to win this race. Or at the very least, have the advantage.

I think you missed the part where he was 5-1 when that strategy was employed. That’s a far cry better percentage than literally anything else the Alliance have been doing.

Yes I missed that. Who said they are 5-1? I can’t see who you were responding too.

I keep seeing this and it’s just noise. RR and Duskwood might as well be Alliance territory since Horde have no major reason to bother going there so they’re fairly safe territory, nothing like pretty much any other contested territory as far as a risk goes. I will say that I think RR should have been made Ally territory, maybe even Duskwood.

Also pushing to 30 without going into contested territory sounds like an ultrasafe leveling method that most aren’t gonna follow. I’d say 25 is pushing it for most players, once you’re done with SPF and Barrens you should be around 20-25 unless you’re doing something that isn’t organic in the sense of AoE farming or powerlevel dungeons (or just spamming them for some reason) and once you’re done with them it’s all contested territory. Most of my toons are in their low 20s when I head out to Hillsbrad.


Ya. He’s right. To win you need SFGY.

  • horde typically don’t let SFGY go.
  • horde get to SFGY and can have it capped before an alliance can touch it.
  • the starting cave creates a bigger stall than the bridge due to their being a back door to aid station and the starting cave spawning 20 people per 30 seconds.

So ya. His strat is decent, but it relies on the horde being sub par. If all things are equal. He would lose.

The strat I have had the most success with is to actually farm them at SH until horde cap SF. Then rush hard left to IBGY. This strat can lead to wins quite often, but it requires sacrificing an objective to move the horde out of your way. Just seems really unfair that horde strats require 0 sacrifices. Just go south and take everything in the way.

Just a couple of months ago taking SF (or SHGY for that matter) as horde was a good way to get afk kicked out of the bg if not the subject of rage chat. Now all of the sudden SF is the magical piece of the puzzle that was somehow overlooked for months until the horde just stumbled on this new amazing strat and win games by accident because they did.

Horde provide ample opportunity for the alliance to make a game of it but the alliance just don’t.

Horde gank in redridge and duskwood a lot even though these areas should be ours.

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It’s a compounding issue in that a lot of the experienced Alliance aren’t doing the BG for a reason such as not worth it for ranking, they do premades, they know they’ll lose, they’re exalted and don’t care anymore, etc. Other Alliance players have pointed out that a lot of the people that queue up AFK, leech, do rep and give, are PvE players not interested in PvP, etc.

So not only do you have a bad map but you have an unwilling playerbase. Fixing the map may bring back some Alliance players, but if you don’t get enough good players to join in AV on a regular basis your win rate isn’t going to go up nearly as well as you think it will.

I’ve pointed this out tons of times: After the initial rep rush was over with Alliance had a decent win rate in AV and I’m not talking about just the premades drek rushing us, but pugs legitimately had a decent shot at winning. Something changed and it wasn’t the BG map.


So if horde are zerging it works.

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This is also true. Horde would purposefully leave SFGY / SHGY uncapped to move the alliance respawn point to one of those spots in order to clear SPGY and advance into the Alliance base with less resistance due to Alliance team being split by the respawn points.

The meta has shifted though and current meta SFGY is pretty important to the Alliance’s shot at winning.

I swear to god you don’t read. Horde aren’t zerging. They are intercepting. But they are coming into your zerg piecemeal. You can group up and crush them with minimal losses.

The biggest reason this doesn’t work now is because of the wide variety of mount speeds making it harder to matriculate south as a group.

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Yes it is. And you are flat out trolling or lying with that claim.

In ALL my games when farming my rep, the horde not only took SFGY but viciously defended it. Because once you are in the game, you suddenly remember that the key to scorched earth is to not allow the alliance a graveyard south. And to push into SHGY you will need SFGY should the alliance “dig in their heels” and defend.

Don’t play like you don’t know this.

Depends on the server I’d say. On a mega server like yours it’s probably worse especially, even with the Alliance being the dominate faction and especially given server capacity today compared to before.

I’d be more worried about Duskwood than RR since it’s closer to STV, but I do remember playing Ally in Vanilla and Horde showing up from time to time because it’s a good spot to gank if you’re into that kind of thing. Just like how I can usually quest in Hillsbrad just fine, but every now and some Alliance players go strolling through. Oh and don’t forget it’s a 30+ questing area for Alliance and they run right through the field to get to their AV base.

This is incorrect. The early meta, Horde would definitely not take those two GYs. That was intentional. It hasn’t been that way for 3+ months now though, so I am not sure it is relevant to this conversation.