I had no idea how unfair AV was until

Zerging never works.

  • alliance don’t want to kill horde because they will spawn in front of them again.
  • horde can pick off whomever they slow and the smarter horde will target the support classes first
  • this gives horde the key to the map

Do not EVER zerg.

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I am not suggesting Alliance zerg. I am explaining what a successful one looks like from the perspective of someone who got zerged constantly for a couple of months :slight_smile:

Not if you want scortched earth. Which you want. Because you’ve just waited 2 damn hours to play the game.

There is absolutely no logical reason to not take the grave yard that essential to scorched earth, especially when the map’s design GIFTS it to you.


Well boom. I just told you how to counter it. But you already knew how to counter it.

When the Alliance are organized and matriculate south as a 30-40 group, that counter doesn’t work. What happens is that Horde’s fast riders smash in, get killed. Then the slow riders smash in, get killed. Then Alliance moves to Galv and completely ignores IBGY. They smash Galv along with any resistance that respawned, then move south without touching IBGY to take FWGY.

That’s what a legit zerg looked like. Sometimes they didn’t even bother with Galv. They stopped to mop up horde, but they did it as a group. That kind of coordination is hard without discord, but it is doable.

Not sure they should try it though since if you don’t actually pull off the smash, you are toast.

Edit: and all of this assumes you have some of your good pvpers to pull it off. Current state of play in AV definitely does not have these on the alliance side.

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Right so if a handful of horde try to stop the alliance zerg while most of the horde are zerging it becomes a zerg race.

Those were also premades (just not the elite rank premades who were rushing Drek with 100% mounts+carrots+riding gloves+mithril spurs). These premades sometimes killed Drek, as often as not didn’t due to the 20 cave rezzers hitch and all-out recallers to Frostwolf Keep. But those groups certainly burned TP and IBT. Anything less than a group comprised of level 60s, fast horses and players who all want to be there do not often overcome the 20-rezzer cave factor at IBT - which a 20-rez location does not have a mirrored effect for Alliance at SHGY.

That’s not what happens.

Alliance are trying to mount ride to at least IBGY. You smash in and say you pick off 4-5 alliance separating them from the heard.

Now the alliance numbers are down to 25.

So now the bulk of the horde group is at SFGY and the bulk of the alliance group is at IBGY. Now you march into SHGY and cap that. (not enough alliance to defend it) And the bunker…and likely IWBunker to boot all within the safety of the 5 minute cap time for SFGY. (which by default is ahead of IBGY gy because you get there first and have that capped first.

So now with SFGY capped you start recalling back and continue to put pressure on a depleted alliance group who are balled up at IBGY waiting for that damn flag to cap. And the horde defenders ( should be 10 ore more) can comfortably keep the healers in combat because the starting cave will rez more than 10 per 30 seconds. Insuring that all dead will get rezzed for the next wave.

That’s the next wave of mages coming in and the next wave of fear bomb. And “Oh look!” SFGY capped so the horde there can now comfortably come down and put pressure on IBGY from SFGY side until you’ve picked off enough alliance (who are now spawning alllll the way up to SPGY and stuck at the IWbunker bottleneck)

All you have to do is thin the heard…constantly thin the heard until you’ve thinned it so much it’s an easy overwhelm.

After that it’s gg.

And if by some miracle, the alliance have kept their foot in IBGY until it caps? They are likely down two bunkers to 0 as it was all hands on deck to keep that GY until it turned blue. There was nobody to spare to turn towers during all that time because the spawn mechanic of the starting cave and it’s position allows for constant pressure from horde.

The map is garbage.

Reading. Difficult. Horde aren’t zerging. They are all attempting to intercept. They are just doing it in waves meaning Alliance can smash the waves with minimal losses and move south.

I swear, you only ever try to twist people’s statements so they fit whatever agenda you have rather than actually reading what was said and responding accordingly.

Don’t bother responding. I am done explaining anything to you.

No they certainly weren’t all premades. You could tell if they were or not based on how they played.

Naw, they were literally just rushing drek with the pally pull method. No reason to burn towers or anything of the such. The game would be over in less than 10 minutes. Sometimes they were a bad premade and you could wipe them or slow them and they’d give up.

So what you’re saying is that when horde try to D very very badly against a coordinated alliance group alliance win?

Yeah… that’s just really not how it works.

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I didn’t suggest that’s what happens. I am suggesting that was how it worked. The best ones went SFGY side and never bothered with IBGY.

Now they all try to rush IBGY as if that’s such an easily taken / held objective. It flat out isn’t. But FWGY sure is and if you can actually get 30 south to take it, the game is usually over. Horde did the exact same thing when they were ignoring SHGY. They wanted the forces split so they could take SPGY. The concept is the same. Executing it requires actual skill or the other team also zerging. Given the current state of play in AV, neither will happen making an alliance zerg like this unlikely.

You misunderstand what I was saying. The lesser tier premades weren’t typically rushing Drek and they held the triangle of IBGY-TP-IBT. Of those groups, they might not push to Drek fast enough to win, but their strategy was to at least hold that triangle and burn towers for respectable honor.

Out of many dozens of games (I started after the first couple weeks of zerg strategies, which may be our diff. of observations) I only saw a couple zerg to Drek strategies and that was likely randomly landing a more elite premade in queue.

Alliance have to at least go through the IB GY choke point even if they don’t take the GY. And by passing IB GY assumes horde are not playing D at all.

I’ve seen games with FWGY being rushed.

For starters you need to get 30 down there and well, that ain’t happening.

Maybe if you rushed with ALL 40. But that’s never what happens. You start with 30 and it get’s thinned out by 1/3rd if not more before they reach FWGY. Because that’s the mission from the start for horde. Recocgnize the zerg.

Thin it out. Take SFGY. hold that. Rest recall back and thin the heard until it’s gone.

It’s just as easy as a wipe as it is with IBGY.

Oh, I agree in today’s environment that isn’t happening. A lot of the reason for that is that serious pvpers aren’t in there on the alliance side.

There would be a benefit of pushing south to FWGY and that is that it spreads Horde thinner south allowing Alliance to potentially take SFGY with respawns. But again, the entire strategy requires skilled players and a fully engaged group. The alliance don’t have that currently so it isn’t a viable approach.

The entire strategy works if the alliance are just absolutely superior to the horde.

In today’s environment, the map has been min/maxed and the strat perfected to a point where the map’s imbalance is now so glaring as it can’t be just ignored.

There is no counter that works if “all things are equal” which is an equal skilled set of forces in the match.

For the alliance to counter this strat, they just have to be absolutely head and shoulders superior to the horde.

The only imbalance that puts Alliance squarely behind the 8 ball is the druid summon location. So if the game is a stalemate, Horde can get Ice Dad out fairly easily and Alliance don’t have a similar option with Treebeard.

When the teams are even, that is almost always the difference. It isn’t spawn location. It isn’t IBGY choke. It isn’t SFGY. It is the fact that both sides are in a stand off and one side can get a boss up to break it and it takes an act of god to get the boss up for the other side.

I literally think moving Treebeard summoning location would make a massive difference. At least it would on AV weekend when more of the better players alliance side showed up.

I do think Blizzard should alter the map. My preference would actually be to figure out how to allow either faction to start at either starting location. That alone would at least make it so that both sides have the same opportunity to succeed based on how the map is current constructed.

I am not holding my breath that they will make any changes though :frowning:

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Are you suggesting that it’s as easy to assault a GY flag with 40 as it is to defend it??

Is that what you are suggesting to me?

Because that is absolutely not the case at all.

When Mero is leading, people actually listen and we have a really good chance of winning. But even his strat requires us to sacrifice a GY to win so we can move the horde rezzers out of our way.

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