I had no idea how unfair AV was until

Please tell me you’re not referring to Stormpike, which horde intentionally sit at and farm to waste time to hit their arbitrary 30 minute mark because it’s like shooting fish in a barrel for them when they can drop in on the GY, and literally shoot through the mountains at us, and shoot from the top of the mountains too.

Please tell me you aren’t referring to the bridge, when horde have a simple and easy-to-use backdoor access point to Dun Baldar that they don’t even have to go through Stormpike GY’s vicinity to get to.

Beyond those I have no clue what you would be referring to when you say three? Maybe you’re talking about the Stonehearth/Tower choke, which in actuality benefits the horde significantly more due to the fact it is located behind the GY, meaning once horde own it, we literally cannot pass Stonehearth at all, which is why we constantly have to call on stealthers to go across and kill Lts for the tiny little honor we can even get, because nobody else is able to get through without stealth. Taking Stonehearth? It’s the easiest GY in the game to take. It’s completely open from 180 degree angle, with several paths the horde can take, and the GY spawn of Stonehearth seems like it was designed by a sadist, because we get boxed in with no way to breath by a horde force that has infinite options and angles to approach.

You are delusional.


The best strategy for the alliance is to completely ignore that path, and actually go the opposite direction crossing behind galvandar and all the way into frostwolf graveyard, taking frostwolf graveyard with 40 men/women and working from there.
they never use it

dude you made my day…one second you say “you guys are just not good at pvp” another second you say “i honestly don’t really care for pvp”…

i think people will find it really difficult to take someone’s opinion serious on a subject this person say he doesn’t really care.

i have tried every single method i could think of to win AV only ended up losing all my morale, both on forums and in game.

but your comment is seriously funny…thank you.


Issue is prolly slow mounts you need epic+ to not get caught by SFGY

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LOSd at SPGY? Who gets that? I rez there and get instantly tab targetted from the other side of the ridge and hit with frost bolts/hunter sting/shadow bolts all the time. Frost bolts coming straight through the ridge from someone who is clearly on the road on the other side of the ridge. On the other hand, it works the other way as well. I brought my farming hunter toon into AV (my warrior is my main) and could just tab target->aimed shot through the ridge myself.

LOS isn’t really something that can be taken advantage of by either side at SPGY, in my experience. The ability to retreat out of range sure is useful though, and Alliance have less of an ability to do that since they are in a cul-de-sac. The stupid thing is that the walls facing the GY are not climbable, whereas it is easily climbable from the south, and people go around and get up on the walls above us to the east and north and can hit us with ranged attacks and we can’t get to them. Sometimes I can reach with a charge, sometimes not, it all depends upon how well they’ve placed themselves.


Do you think this hasn’t been tried? It’s one of the best options that ally have, but 1) the force gets strung out because of different mount speeds OR the force moves very slowly, 2) we get intercepted along the way and lose people to attrition, 3) we can’t reinforce and just slowly get whittled down because our nearest GY is a third of the map away and reinforcements have to either come through a strong choke point or go way the heck around to get there. It only works when the Alliance team completely outclasses the Horde team. If Alliance kill 2 Horde for every one of their own losses, they still come out behind trying this because they lose the attrition battle.

And now Horde controls SHGY. GG


Regardless, any map change they make won’t have an effect with 50% of any Alliance team being rep-farmers. They don’t pvp, they don’t try, they don’t care. They want in and out in less than 15 minutes.

Actually the rep farmers are trying to drag the games out as long as possible. They are even holding the druids in place after you have turned in enough to summon treezus just so they can get as many rep turn ins as possible.


Bugging out druids (read: Exploiting) is not pvping and all they want to do is have us turtle SPGY to loot corpses for rep turnins. This exploit encourages this behavior and you can see what happens when someone fails to keep them bugged: half the team sits there and waits for the game to end.

The reality is the rep farming has come about as a result of the abysmal (or non-existent) win rate. It’s MUCH better rep to win the game with our queue times than to drag it out for 30 minutes. Winning/losing games in ~10 minutes is far faster rep. I got exalted in a day before, not even a long day. I’m 30 hours in and 1k into revered on an alt now WITH the weekend (lol won twice).

The objective evidence here is that horde have effectively a free GY in the middle of the map: their cave. It cannot be taken so alliance always have to have some sort of presence defending the middle of the map until they’ve secured a further forward base.

Horde, on the other hand, can endless swarm IBGY while it’s contested and have a much shorter run to it than alliance even with SF. The middle of the map is effectively where the game is won because it’s damn near impossible to take SH back attacking from the South nor is it possible to get around it to get further North to mount any other kind of attack past it.

This is basically crap. If you forced horde to rez back in their actual base like alliance do when we lose all the middle GY’s you’d be in the similar boat. As it stands right now you can afford to “trade” GY’s with alliance, you take SH, we take IBGY, because you’re almost assured you can retake IBGY with your rez point so close. Alliance lose SH and we pretty much lost the game already.

The discrepancy is so obvious its appalling.


If you have to establish dominance then you are doing it wrong.

I already admitted to not taking it seriously. Maybe scroll up and read?

If LoS actually applied maybe alliance would have “chokepoints.” However we all know you can shoot through the hills, which is clearly a broken LoS mechanic. So our “chokepoints” actually benefit horde because upon sp gy rez you are often dead with no one in LoS before you even reach the road.

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allies suck, just plain and simple, they even penetrated our base and still failed to push. Allies are lazy folks with bunch of mouth breathing premades stomping over and over and spamming #nochanges and acting like they are some PVP gods.

Allies suck.

Another worthless post. Thank you!!

Even someone with your…intelligence should be able to see that having 2 graveyards right next to each other is a huge tactical advantage.

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Very true.

Blizz needs to flip the map, have us start in the Horde cave and vice versa. Within a month queues will be nullified as Alliance have a reason to play AV and Horde win rate goes to 0%.

It’s funny how that used to encourage a turtle back in on AV release. Horde didn’t want to take SHGY in the early days because no one touched SFGY so that would cause all rezzers to go back to SPGY and create a massive bridgefest battle.

Trading doesn’t happen in most of my games, and if it does it’s too little too late. Most of my matches are Horde eventually taking SHGY, eventually destroy IWB/SHB and Balinda while most work on SPGY. Maybe we’re slow to get it because Alliance are trying, but also maybe SPGY falls over because they’re done trying for the game. Even if they decide to start pushing south after we are mostly north it’s a simple matter of us being much further along than you guys are to have any realistic chance. Maybe if you all got grouped up and zerged Drek you could pull off a crazy win, but that’s not happening in a pug.

Buuuuut also at the end of the day I have a hard time being sympathetic to this plight because even with a 100% win rate the Horde one is at least in the same boat, and I assume worse.

I did a quick google for wins to get exalted and I found a post stating it was 90 wins as a human, but didn’t include all the rep turn-ins you can do during the game. I haven’t been able to find a good indicator of average rep you can earn per game (and I’ve been exalted for too long to remember) so if you assume something like 30-45 games you can assume about 75-112.5 hours of playtime before getting exalted if you assume a 2 hour queue with a 30 minute game every time. This means you need to be bringing in 1-1.5 k reputation a game to do it in that timeframe.

And I’m just ignoring the fact that there will be some loses sprinkled and/or dragged out games, and even if it’s only 2-3 that can feel pretty meaningful when an average player is probably only going to see 4 or 5 games a day at best.

There-in-lies your issue! Yes this is an Alliance problem! Believe it or not! Why are the Alliance meeting the Horde at SHGY? Why not stay to your right and try to cap all of the towers, kill Galv and then Drek?

Please explain why not attempt to cap and kill instead of facing the opposite faction at every instance of Alterac Valley? I’m asking legitimately and all of the Alliance have a chance to make the Horde understand. Please don’t explain things that aren’t true. Give facts and evidence not random statements that don’t reflect the truth.

Because when we try that, the 60% mounts and a lot of the 100% mounts get cut off from the raid because the mages are already spread out all around the place ready to sheep/frost nova people. So what you end up with is like 1/3 of the raid down south with no graveyard to revive at and no way to get past the SH choke to rejoin the raid.


I did the math recently and I’m getting just under 500 rep per game, including turn ins both in the instance the marks afterwards. By my math, that’s about 80 games to get exalted. Games are usually at least 35 minutes, with some going well over an hour. Even the games where horde is farming the starting cave 15-20 minutes in don’t end before 30 minutes are up. Queues are probably 5-10 minutes. Not counting queue times, that’s about 60 hours of time in the BG itself to get to exalted from neutral if average length of game is 45 minutes.