I had no idea how unfair AV was until

Horde has more players, which means more pvpers, which means horde on average are going to be better prepared for pvp, does this mean individually they are more skilled? No, Alliance premades pretty much dictate WSG and AB, but in AV sure, i’ll absolutely attest to seeing alliance now mostly being under-geared slow riding alts. Is that the core problem? Not in the slightest. I think the fact that 40 man rank 10+ premades filled with people I know were incredibly competent pvpers still dropped 30% of games because of map imbalance to horde pugs is a pretty sizable indicator that something is amiss.

Blizzard should have swapped sides as an April Fools joke so horde could show us how easy it is to win on the alliance side of the map! :wink:


what happens when they still win?,i hope you have a shoe to eat.

What happens when they don’t? You got a shoe to eat?

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That’s not how this works jadei it’s not a No u moment you’re not a child anymore if you make a claim and your claim winds up being incorrect it’s you who have to face it not the person or persons you’re trying to embarrass with your childish insults.

Enjoy your bag.

Cry more bad player

Let AV die, and a lesson for our horde loving devs, who are responsible for a sub par experience for thousands of users, I wonder how that feels to program something so bad that people hate so much.


GG that strat literally works every time we do it NOW. But, if you want to just stomp your foot and blame mean ole nerds that you can’t win, go ahead.

I’m grinding for R12 this week, and I’m not going to let my idiot faction blow all the advantages we have in AV.

No it literally doesn’t work.

It’s a very easy counter and it is very easily countered.

Thank you for continuing to push the false narrative on why we are so bad at AV.

I appreciate your service in making sure our faction is weak.

Yeah because Paladins aren’t damn near game breakingly unbalanced in ally favor. GTFO of here.

It’s both. There are unquestionably imbalances in the map, but not to the extent that I should be winning something like 70 games in a row, which is where I think my streak is around. There are issues with how the allies play, how many afkers they have, and the quality of their gear since instant queues mean serious rankers tend to gravitate towards AB and WSG where they can premade.

If anything you are doing more harm then good trying to promote a strat with a very VERY low probablity of success rate as to be the counter to the current horde strat.

The counter is to not let them have SF and to fight tooth and nail for it while keeping SH.

Well really…the counter is to just not bother playing a map that puts you at a disadvantage which is what we appear to be doing soo…


This is correct, but Ivus summoning spot has absolutely no cover. Horde have a big hill blocking the summoning spot from los and can defend the 2 entrances easily while summoning. Alliance get attacked from pretty much 360 degrees while attemping to summon and the horde can easily just kite the druids away to be killed.

You would be a terrible war general,
:Well men, it seems the enemy has the clear advantage so i’m here to tell you that we’re going to surrender unconditionally to them once they arrive.

You would be a terrible map designer.

This is a game. It’s meant to at least start off with things balanced, and skill and strategy should rule the roost.

(It’s not actually war. In which case I have no sympathies for abusing drones, air superiority and air craft carriers)

No one side should be asked to try to counter piss poor map design that puts them at a disadvantage.

Those maps or games do not sell very well for good reason.

Think of this a hard lesson for whichever schmuck wants to design a map with severe balancing issues that clearly favor 1 side.

You’re insane - its within bowshot of SHB

Yup, its worse in retail, horde are MUCH closer to everything else and barely have to fight anything coming into alliance base in AV, meanwhile we have to fight a LOT of enemies to get into their base :roll_eyes: AV = 100% horde winrate always no matter what expansion/version of WoW you play.

Explain to me the differences between vanilla AV and Classic AV.

Then explain to me the differences in vanilla AV and Classic AV win rates.

Then explain to me how the map is at fault.

Good luck!