I had no idea how unfair AV was until

So let me get this right, you want lower queue times and a win rate of 99%?

You would get better, because you’d have no crutch to fall back on.

Yes very true, originally the game was mostly Humans, I think the old educated guesses put it at something like majority alliance, and vast majority of the game being Human.
Kinda funny how we all wanted to play a fantasy game and just make a human or a dwarf, maybe people wanted to be themselves and not something like, an orc.

did you know the barrens is the oldest thing in the game? the barrens are actually older than WoW itself, they were on a separate file as a sort of experiment before WoW even existed.

Are you for real? He literally made a point to show the difference between the winning numbers before and after 2.2. The winning numbers he mentions were “not really different” from release to 2.2. That was clearly what he was saying.

You have a lot a nerve accusing someone else of the inability to read. Perhaps learn what context is.

Here, let me once again assist you and post exactly what he DID write, that you misunderstood at an epic level:

I don’t care about AV. AV is a cluster**** and I never enjoyed it even on my high level characters. And cheap wins don’t appeal to me like they do to players like yourself who have no shame about twinking it up and then coming on the forums to brag about how your faction is more skilled.

The smaller the teams, the more skill matters. What I do in the smaller battlegrounds can make a difference in the game. I like that, I don’t like dying 48 times in an AV for absolutely nothing, just cause I got in 8 people’s crosshairs.

If you think that the faction imbalance in PvP existed purely in AV, you have been a high level Horde for way too long and need to experience more outside of your box.

I think it’s worth pointing out that generally speaking the win/loss percentages for WSG, AB, EotS generally fall somewhere around 55% to 45% on any given day (with Alliance also represented on the higher side). For example, on North American servers yesterday Alliance won more AB battles than the Horde.

AV has gone through greater swings, with alliance winning as much as 75 to 80% of battles (NA servers again as an example) before patch 2.2 and horde winning about 60% so far after 2.2. That being said, there are a bunch of substantive AV changes going into patch 2.3 that will probably shake things up some more (more details on that sometime this week).

What about for the past month? Year? Since they’ve been out? I imagine you would have a much different number.

No, not really different.

Can you tell me where he said the average for the win/loss ratio for AV? That’s right, the 60%. What did he say about it prior to patch 2.2?

He never clarifies a specific bg or gives a range of time. Don’t just assume something that is never said. Don’t assume that just because it is after 2.3 that it disqualifies it from being a part of the reply. You know what happens when you assume right?

Good god you are persistant in your ignorance.
IN THE CONTEXT OF THE QUESTION HE WAS BEING ASKED, HE WAS POINTING OUT THAT ALLIANCE WON THE MAJORITY “AV has gone through greater swings, with alliance winning as much as 75 to 80% of battles (NA servers again as an example) before patch 2.2” OF AV PRIOR TO 2.2.


Reading comprehension much?

Read it again. Swings aren’t even close to an average except on a given day.

And? What does the win condition have to do with the life span of the BG?

“Since they’ve been out?” See that part? He responded to the entire lifespan. The poster asked if the numbers were different, including the 60% win rate of horde. Kalgan replied, “No, not really different.”

Seriously though, Capsing everything is horrible etiquette. It makes people think you are immature.

Queues are instant for Alliance for WSG, AB, and AV.

50/50 WSG
50/50 AB
0/100 AV

Notice how other than a handful of pugs complaining, mostly Horde ironically, about how pugs can’t win in WSG/AB, people have been next to silent on both BGs? It’s because they’re balanced, there’s not much to complain about beyond some of jump exploits in WSG, and farm/BS/LM being easier to defend than ST/BS/Mines- which while an advantage isn’t one that can’t be overcome.

The AV advantages Horde has won’t be overcome unless the Alliance is considerably better and more organized, because it takes completely outplaying the Horde for about fifteen minutes to just get to the same position the Horde start the map at for free due to imbalance, and then once in that position and able to fight for IBGY and eventually defend it, Horde not only are rezzing twice as close as Alliance would to SHGY, but twice as many can rez in the cave leading to upwards of having to face four times as many reinforcements while taking it vs what the Horde faces.

There’s no correlation to win rates and queue times, WSG/AB don’t support that in the slightest. Pretty big correlation though between massively imbalanced BG design and win rates though.


Next to silent? What? What you mean to say there is a landslide of AV complaints which drown out everything else but its all still there. Beyond all that the smaller bgs are premadefests on both sides. Hardly anything you can point to for the purposes of saying alliance pugs are just fine everywhere else but are taking it up you know where in AV because iMbAlaNcE. It doesn’t take into account who is in there - it just assumes alliance rankers are doing AV in the form of pugs - which doesn’t appear to be the case. The trend seems to be, hit exalted and gtfo.

Ill agree with you that the alliance needs to be better and more organized so maybe they should actually try that first because it seems like theyre just content to let the horde win and farm up 100 or so HKs since they can be in another AV in 3 minutes or less. They don’t have the option of just zerging south past apathetic horde anymore and so now its become a problem. The problem being that the horde are actually playing the damn BG correctly.

Well I beg to differ because all of WoW history disagrees with you. For as long as anyone can remember the underdog faction had super fast queues and super low win rates. The pendulum of who is on top has swung back forth a few times but that has never changed. More people flood to the winning side, not a real big mystery there.

Again, you cant really lean on WSG/AB because these are not a majority of pug vs pug games. Its the opposite.

I’m using an example from right now, with the current population, with the current players, in this game- and you’re just going to say ‘ya but somewhere else at some point maybe it wasn’t the case’.

When two BGs are 50/50, and the third is 100/0 for win rates, normal people would realize there’s a problem with the third.

Of course, it’s pointless to argue with Horde because why would you ever want something fixed when it guarantees you a 100% win rate? It’s basically welfare honour- show up, collect your points, and go back to the end of the five hour line for your next hand out.

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Exactly. So why can’t you?

I seem to do just fine in this game. But my bag is more towards FPshooters. Not games with inherent imbalances.

Enjoy your needed crutch.

I do have a theory that the WoW pvp try hard are just bad at real pvp games.

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There are some misconceptions around here. Whenever I join an AV I dress up my mounting set and go into SFGY and stay there till we hard cap it. 90% of the times I’m standing alone there the whole 5 minutes and, eventually, someone is coming and try to get it.
The only games that are even close are the ones the Alliance really tries to get SFGY which rarely happens. The games that ever get a bit complicated are the ones that when I call out for help defending SFGY help doesn’t come. I do agree with the ones saying that SFGY is the key to any option for alliance.
Instead, coming from a bad pvper with full pve build, Alliance is only able to win in AB/WSG with premades and when our PUGS has no healers. Rest of games you are being smashed. Out of premades, Alliance sucks because I win them all and I really suck at PVP. The map of AV might be biased … in private servers I was playing Alliance and we won 99% of games in AV with the same map, casually, Horde had the same mentality as many posters here, loser mentality … like now, the game in AV is won before it even starts.

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None of what you just said negates anything I said.

I stopped reading after post 70 when it was clear 80% of the people argueing it isnt biased literally sound like they’ve never played it, or its so easy they dont even know what is wrong

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I don’t take losing so hard, i just enjoy the pvp and don’t concern myself with W/L Ratio’s, but i guess i’m in the minority there.

The premades were not the majority of Alliance AV. Alliance premades may have had an 80% win rate, but Alliance did not

TL;DR, Horde Cave rezzes 20 at a time, IBGY rezzes 10. Alliance have to contest IBGY against a numbers disadvantage to win a forward GY, the alternative is to ride around Galv and go strait to Frostwolf, which only works with epic+ riding, or else horde beat you to Snowfall and just split the ally group. Why is this still being debated?

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14 years and counting.

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