I had no idea how unfair AV was until

I dont think AV is really unfair. Ally have been picking it up. Honestly, even in vanilla, Alliance was winning a lot despite some other people remembering the contrary

Except the 1.12 AV was included for only a couple months in the game before 2.0 dropped. Alliance won in earlier AVs in Vanilla because it was largely a PVE focused battleground and Horde couldn’t berserk everything like they do now.


Um, excuse you? Who does that?

Because the only faction I keep seeing acting like they’re “PvP gods” and deserve the win rate because they are just sooo much better is horde.

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This guy knows what’s up.


what are you smoking? the ally ivus summon spot is much closer to shgy than the lok summon spot is to ibgy.

1.12 didn’t see any major changes to AV.

So basically we’re on 1.11 AV which lasted as long as the original AV did in vanilla.

horde defenders at IBGY/TP/IBT should spawn at FWGY in waves of 10, not at the cave in waves of 20

You see this, this is wrong. Completely and utterly.

At each of these “chokepoints” for horde there is at least one path of getting around it. The one by IWB has a cliff or a path up the mountain on the opposite side. SPGY has the cave path cliff and the valley path that goes under the bridge. Bridge? You just hop into the back of the base.

There is no bypass for alliance that doesn’t put them at a disadvantage thanks to the terrain. In fact horde have the only choke point in the entire map without a bypass for the opposing faction: IBGY. This one let’s horde get behind enemy lines too without conflict.

Go back to your illusionment because you probably won’t accept truth that conflicts with your world view.

Ya, they lost 60% of the time according to the only blue post on the subject.

A biased article claiming biased perspective. Very informative. Thank you for your biased input that does nothing but prove that horde are blind to their ineptitude of being unbiased.

You’re going off your opinion the fact is those are contested areas.

Maybe out of the way but still contested areas.

The only reason is to give more incentives to being horde.

In this game I love being alliance. I like odds stacked against me. Lok’taR or fight/die rings true. When I see an orc run to get help. Haha it makes me lol be

Imagine you’re horde and you lose AV…

I literally have no idea what you just said lol!

When you realize why you disregard the Horde’s argument you’ll understand why the Horde disregards the Alliance’s.


We capture your stuff and defend it till it burns.

Alliance is more of a PVE faction than horde is. The current 1.12 version of AV was stripped off all those extra NPCs, faction specific loot (eg. orc teeth), and land mines, etc.

I never disregarded anything. I’m just tired of refuting with facts and alternate perspectives just to be replied to with “nuh uh, I’m dumb so you’re wrong and I’m not going to take any effort to prove my side because you are wrong.”

Your previous post, the one I quoted, says otherwise.


I think I was reading urs and it was meant for another player

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Oh boy. if only you could see horde chat while we are sitting at SPGY.

You couldn’t be more wrong about this. Horde literally curse and fight at each other for 15 minutes straight every single game about whos fault it is we cant get SPGY.

I dont’ know where you got this nonsense from but that doesn’t happen, ever.

You would understand if you went with gnome for Expansive Mind instead of the race that is too dumb to be stunned.