I had no idea how unfair AV was until

You know is a misconception that you “adjusted” your strat to deal with the premades, right?

It’s more likely that you simply put up a fight against premades that were mostly made of thrown in pieces scotch taped together that were just bad.

That happens in every battle ground. But the farming premades had no problem still farming AV up until the very end.

It isn’t a misconception because the strategy literally changed based on whether the game was against a premade or not.

And of course it didn’t work against the best premades. There is no way to overcome “your best players” vs “our pug”.

This is incorrect. Horde would follow the zerg and pick it apart which eventually would lead to the zerg falling apart. This definitely did not work against every premade. Some of them were straight up good. Well organized and would just full stop and blow us away then proceed to march in and win.

Recalling almost never works because by the time we recall the Alliance is already in our base blowing us up and can simply trash the incoming recalls 1-2 at a time.

Following the zerg basically only worked vs public discords in T1 like 24/7. Even then those guys focused on triangle strat more then anything.

In top tier private discords which I was involved with the only way the horde stood a chance was when they had 12+ mages. In some of those games we’d have 200+hks to maybe 10 horde hks and we’d finally wipe because we’d run out of mana. Defending in AV is super easy compared to full blown zerging a boss.

The very best premades we would very rarely beat. Or even be competitive with. I was personally never successful against the best ones. That’s no different than it is in AB/WSG. It just is what it is. Tip the cap and take the whipping.

This is why groups started capping FWGY and flagging RH before pulling warmasters. The only good thing about the starting cave is the long run that horde have to make to get back to drek to defend if those 2 GY’s are not an option

We are playing a game from when you trusted them tho so that doesn’t really fit your narrative…

The big MMO guys who played in the same Everquest guild all rolled Alliance tho…

Reroll. Ill bank roll you. Join me in AV and we can compare notes.

This supposed to be sarcasm?
if so it doesn’t translate well over the internet.

They are not mirrored. Stables caps well before farm in AB and allies can run right up their wall into their flag room in WSG.
That’s not mirrored. Blizz should balance AB and WSG. Alliance have an advantage in both.

Aka you can’t back up your trolling. That’s cool, bro.

So you can’t refute an argument and resort to “troll” excuse. Try harder. I already explained in detail how it was imbalanced in favor of the horde. Anyone with experience can tell you so.

There is no excuse for losing that engagement as alliance. If your faction cannot win on your own turf, where you control the towers, GY, and have the benefit of lieutenants and the captain RIGHT THERE, then the issue is not the map. It is a you problem.

They are pretty mirrored, the minor differences are nothing compared to AV.

No. Imbalanced. Broken. Advantages. Must be fixed.

You guys need to push my aforementioned strategy with more force, literally destroy frostwolf graveyard, NOT THE RELIEF HUT, don’t go into frostwolf itself. with atleast 80% of the entire team.

The problem is that relies on horde not playing D. In which case it’s a zerg, in which case you should be pushing all the way to RH.

https: //www .engadget.c om/2007-06-12-why-does-the-horde-always-lose-alterac-valley.html

you guys typically get weakened down when you actually push into the base, if you hold that tower point area and wait till the graveyard actually goes blue, then your entire team can run into tower point at the same time and burn it
the horde has some loyal defenders 90% of the time, but not 10 to 20 men/women. you guys need to bring like 20 people to that end zone

What exp pack are we talking about?

This is the vanilla 1.12 AV that was included in the dataset. Pretty much how it was back then. And no, the alliance didn’t lose 95% of the time back then like they do today.

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