I had no idea how unfair AV was until

There is no “support” at shgy. However there is a bottlenecked gy design that insures where you need to path to get out. It can be assaulted by both sides. And It’s a simple mage level aoe cast to slow down reinforcements until it gets to a point where you can push in and cap the flag. This repeats itself at spgy.

By all means keep turtling at shgy. That’s gonna net ya your 99 percent loss rate.

You don’t really “turtle”. You hide your whole raid out of view and everyone rushes out and wipes them then you go back and hide again. You rinse and repeat until SFGY is hard capped by the horde. At that point you wipe them again and continue pushing hard left to IBGY.

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After this past weekend I thought allies were sitting at SHGY for HKs and little else. Even in a horde dominating win the allies can still rack up around 200 hks for the match.

And then you have to essentially give up SHGY for IBGY, and hold IBGY with no respawns
Guess which faction gets to their graveyard first, let alone without being able to back cap from SFGY. Oh, not to mention the choke for Alliance players who released is well before the GY flag, unlike IBGY

Yes I’ve done that strat. In two places.

It’s lol worthy but is very easy to adapt to and discourage if it ever became the norm.

Of the times we pulled it off we used the lull to retake sfgy and thus proceed on with my regular course of strategy.

This is not anything but a stop gap that would only temporarily work to negate the horde always being gifted sfgy.

Oh i agree. It for sure is still a crap shoot but I have won with this strat more than any other and even if we lose, it forces horde to hurry up and get the win when they see us capping RH so at least makes the game not take >1hr

I have taken to just running LT team. I get a group of 5 friends together, sneak past the horde, wait out the chaos then proceed to collect the bonus honor to make the game worth it. we dont bother with towers, just kill LTs then farm horde wherever the battle is at once we are done. 4-5k honor a game doing that.

I am fine with this, but why do it at the very beginning of the match? Could at least wait till we start losing first. Was in a match the other day where we ninja’d FWGY with 6 of us and was 1 min from hard capping but we lost it. Meanwhile their was a group of 8 killing LTs at tower point that could have easily helped us secure that capture if they had of came and reinforced us.

Your FW GY attempt was a futile effort that did nothing but alert the horde to your presence south. Likely you were already down on towers to their bunkers and the match was just a formality.

Better to not risk detection and proceed with the honor collection.

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Actually no. This was only about 8 minutes in to the match when horde and alliance were still battling for SHGY. In the very least, if we had of hard capped it, would have cause some horde to recall and take some pressure off the alliance that were fighting at SHGY.


If I’m placing odds…I really just bother with getting the guaranteed honor.

The decision to farm LTs happens the moment I notice SHGY wont hold because 80% of the raid is dying at SFGY or IBGY and has no chance of succeeding because SHGY is a loss within 30 seconds of Alliance making it to the FOS. Which is almost every game with exception to the 5 wins i got over the weekend. I am there for honor only since I got exalted on week 2 after AV release.

Yeah, it’s pretty bad. And by pretty bad, I mean it’s the worst experience I’ve ever had in an MMO.

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This was the same reason Horde would only go for Lts + Balinda during the premade era and wouldn’t actually attempt to follow + harass the zerg. Later on the second strategy became normal, but at first it was pulling teeth to get people to “not go for the sure thing” honor.

If I were alliance, I’d just get better.

Read the post I respond to if you’re going to respond to my response, bud.

Premades were fixed.

The map imbalance was not fixed.

So here we are.

Horde had figured out how to stop premades before the premades were fixed. Your move Cotton.

If only you could replicate that in AB and WSG we could stop reading about how unfair it is to make groups in a massive multiple game.

If the objective in those maps was PVE oriented, it would have been replicated by now. Whole lot more RNG when you actually have to PVP to win :slight_smile:

Horde didn’t figure out anything.
They would just mass recall non stop and throw bodies at a blender while relying on NPCS to help them defend. Sometimes this worked if you had 14 mages spec’d fire.

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