I had no idea how unfair AV was until

Yet this is the only strategy I have (near) consistent success with.

Never stated you did. But there were sure 100s of horde making my BRD runs take an hour to get started :slight_smile:. And this surely was the majority of 60s on my server at least.

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Take it up with the Alliance players that say it works.

I would also point out that an inflexible approach to what you are doing might be another reason why you get nowhere. If you go in and say get SFGY and another group says to hold SHGY and let Horde take SFGY, that’s obviously an instant loss.

Sometimes you just have to roll with what the group is doing regardless of whether you think it is the best strategy.

Oh and I don’t think they should change the map. If you change anything you change the spawn at the cave functionality. That would help stretch out horde defenders into a more natural progression south.

But even that doesn’t negate some of the imbalances with this map.

This is just how it is. It’s a piss poor map design with very clear advantages for one side. It is a learning lesson for future map designers as to what NOT to do.

Same but different never works.

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Actually, you did. :point_down:

You just like to take a small % of the population and conform their actions incorrectly to the entire population.


It’s not inflexible. It’s putting thought into what is actually happening.

I didn’t get to exalted by only playing a few AV’s in it’s current meta. You name it, I’ve seen it tried.

Rushing IBGY has never even remotely come close to working. And I honestly believe that those who strongly suggest it at the start of the map are doing so because they know that’s how you get to a stale mate at SPGY for honor farming.

The only path to victory right now is to take SFGY.

That’s it.

And that’s an uphill battle because the map design and mechanics are lopsided.

So let the map die.

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I said horde. And this was not a small % like people on the forums posting things. This was literally the majority of horde on all pvp servers doing this. There is plenty of video evidence of this as well. You are trying to compare apples to watermelons here. Just stop.


You keep saying I am suggesting rushing IBGY. I am saying you are turtling until the forces are split and then rushing IBGY. Those are two very different concepts and I tend to think that if there is a group of Alliance players who are saying they have won games that way then I believe them over whether the theory is correct. They have won games that way. It is as simple as that. If the entire alliance team is on board, you have a chance to win games using the strategy in the future. And when Horde respond and change strats, you can alter your strategy to take SFGY instead. There are viable options and they would be far more apparent if more of the rankers were in the BG.

None of that gets to 50/50. I think the only change with a shot at doing that is randomizing start locations.

The strat is not “rushing IBGY” that works. The strat that works is farming them at SH until horde take SF. Then you do a rush to IBGY since they are now spawning at SFGY instead of the horde cave. This has worked…multiple times, but it requires a leader that the ally are willing to follow. Only player I know of that most of the ally will listen to is Mero.

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If all the horde are at SFGY, why on earth would they get split up?

Because 5-6 go to IBGY to attempt to take it? That’s not going to split the horde forces.

Any assault on IBGY without SFGY fails. Or should I say has a very VERY high probability of failing. Go roll an alliance alt and see for yourself.

There is a very obvious reason as to why the win rate is so lopsided and yes, afk does play into it but then afk wouldn’t be as prevalent if there was more of a chance to win the map.

Since the map is garbo, I don’t blame anyone for trying to not experience or partake in that map as much as possible.

Let. It. Die.

Because of where SFGY is located, taking it gives you an offensive advantage, but also gives you a defensive disadvantage becaue your rezzing forces are not longer directly in front of the advancing enemy team. When you rezz at SFGY, the other team can just run directly passed you on the opposite side of the map.

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Ya. Unless you are horde. Because the ramp up to IBGY more favors SFGY side so they can both stay near SF to support it and pick off anyone that tries to run around from SHGY.

On the flip side, because of IBGY design, they can simply run off the hill and stay on the far side.

I never said it was easy for alliance. But it is the easiest path to victory with this new meta.

Not to mention if you initially try and rush SFGY, you will get there to find that a group of horde has already been there for a good 20 seconds with defenses and totems all set up all ready and a gank squad of rogues and mages dismounting, stunning, and killing any ally that are just a little slow.

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Since every other reply to this was about how the choke point is nonsense, I’ll add the other thing.

Having a chokepoint inside your final base doesn’t mean anything. It means you can DEFEND, but that’s it. Horde can Defend too, in that little pathway connecting the Horde village to the keep. But that doesn’t let anyone win, it lets them STALL. It’s a double choke point - if Alliance are pushed to stormpike and defend it, what then? They can’t run past it because you need to literally run through a tunnel (which you can be shot at, through LoS, putting you in combat) and PAST THE FLAG to run down a hill to escape, and then run through the harpy valley only to end up at the IBT choke which horde will control, due to infinite spawn waves from SHGY (because you control SH if you are pushing SP). The choke point chokes out ALLIANCE, because we get trapped and can’t even make a desperation push until after you have already capped SP, since we keep meeting SH rezzers (i.e. no backdoor past IBT)


Ya. I know. That’s the first damn disadvantage of the map. But it still doesn’t negate the importance of SFGY.

I have honestly had more wins by letting horde take it and then wipe them at SH and immediatly rush to IBGY on the far left since horde will now be respawning on the far right side of the map.

Ya that’s not because the strat is sound that’s because you ran into bad horde. The terrain around shgy favors being rounded up and aoed down due to the bottle neck design of the gy.

I disagree

One of the ways to win is to turtle at SHGY until horde have hard capped SFGY then push IBGY. My understanding is that they then respawn at SFGY 10 at a time instead of at the cave 20 at a time.

I’ve personally only ever won by bypassing IBGY and taking FWGY and using that as a base for taking objectives further south.

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This works… sometimes :slight_smile:

All the strategies for alliance that work, are very risky and demand a sacrifice so if they fail, it is a guaranteed loss. Horde are not encumbered by having to take risks to get a win.