I had no idea how unfair AV was until

I am not suggesting that. Interestingly enough, that’s one of the reasons Alliance technically have an advantage early. You get to defend at SHGY and get respawn reinforcements. An actual turtle there is very hard for Horde to break.

A concerted defense of IBGY is harder to break than SHGY is for sure. But because Alliance don’t actually have the option to use Treebeard to break it, the option of “hold SHGY until we get Treebeard” isn’t viable. By contrast “Horde can’t take SHGY, summon Ice Dad” was legitimately the only way multiple horde games were won this weekend.

That’s an advantage that can’t be overcome without a massive difference in skill or a change to the map allowing Treebeard to be summoned more easily.


Being gifted SFGY at the hop is not an “advantage” Nor is it an advantage to defend from a bottle neck style graveyard.

The bunker is not an advantage for very long as after SFGY caps it takes only a few hunters to squash all the archers if they wanted too. And the bunker doesn’t hit horde assaulting SHGY.

There is no advantage here.

Ally had a 80 percent win rate the first month or so with premades. This is retribution

  1. Given that giving Horde SFGY is one of the ways Alliance actually win on that map, I would disagree with you there.

  2. The bunker is an advantage if you are able to summon Treebeard then push with him to overrun IBGY. You know, how Horde do it when we can’t take SHGY. You wouldn’t know about this advantage though since you can’t actually summon Treebeard without pushing into the FoS to get him out.

SFGY is the key to the entire map if all things are equal. Of this point there is no counter as we just discussed how zerging to IBGY is a futile move.

SFGY is absolutely needed if you want to assault SHGY or IBGY and the teams are evenly matched. You need that shorter run time. More so if you are alliance since horde can just run off the back of IBGY.

Even with a stalemate at mid between SFGY and SHGY the alliance can’t summons their big guy because he’s right there on the path from SFGY to SHGY…where as the horde’s is way off and behind SFGY.

If horde wanna play stupid they don’t take SFGY which is gifted too them by map design at the start. And if they are stupid then the teams are not equal.


Actually SFGY splits the Horde respawns and stops Horde from spawning in the cave allowing Alliance to more easily take IBGY. A poster above stated that was one strategy they have used to win as well.

Basically from what I see, there are currently two ways for Alliance to win that don’t include overwhelming skill advantage. Take SFGY early and hold it (old Vanilla strat). Turtle SHGY and gift SFGY to split respawns then take IBGY when the Horde forces are split.

Again. I don’t think either are easy. I don’t think the map is fair. I do think that part of the reason the win rates are as bad as they are is because the alliance rankers did exactly what they said they would do if premades got removed. They left. They didn’t leave because of map imbalance. They didn’t leave because they couldn’t win. They left because the HPH wasn’t as good as it is in a premade. Horde’s rankers never left. The difference in skill in that BG is real. This weekend was the first time in months it hasn’t been and even this weekend most of the Alliance rankers weren’t in there.

So yeah, they need to change some of the flaws in the map. But even changing those won’t bring the rankers back because the games are just too slow.

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Horde griefed BRM 24/7 during phase 2…

Alliance knew it was coming.


I agree with everything you stated. There are multiple factors computing together to make alliance wins very rare at this point. I do think making the change to where horde respawn at FWGY instead of cave when IBGY is contested would be a great step in the right direction though.


SFGY is the both the first offensive foothold to put pressure on SHGY and to insure scorched earth.

Any alliance poster who says they’ve (as allianced) won by rushing IBGY is lying to you. It has such a very small rate of success due to how easy it is to both pick off alliance as they attempt to ride by and to keep pressure on them at IBGY with few defenders due to the cave spawning 20 per 30 seconds.

Of all the games I had ever played the only ones where the alliance won or were competitive resulted from taking SFGY and holding it.

And of all the games I have played, the horde have viciously defended SFGY.

It’s very easy to see why that is the case for the reasons I have just detailed which is how these things play out should you try to rush IBGY as alliance.

Just like you knew about your terrible Q times ahead of time. People still crying about that.


Blizzard caved to the Alliance whining by releasing BGs ahead of schedule.


I have had quite a bit of success with the Mero strategy, but even that is a huge gamble. You either win, or you lose very quickly because you completely open the north.

Not sure what that has to do with your Q times.

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Alliance have it in their heads that Blizzard ONLY caters to Horde. If that were true something would have been done about the queue times.


Might want to reread what I said. I said TURTLE SHGY and give SFGY to the horde to split their respawn points. And I am not saying Alliance win that way. Azzuree is saying Alliance has gotten wins that way.

Regardless, if wins with either strategy were common, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. There is a lot going wrong with that BG and some fixes / changes would be nice. I have gotten the impression that they are using a skeleton crew to maintain Classic though. Even the changes they made to kill premades were half measures that wouldn’t take long to implement.

That’s why I keep suggesting small things like Druid summon location or boosting HPH for the BG. They are things a skeleton crew might be able to handle. Shoot, even changing the respawn point from the cave to FWGY would be a pretty massive difference in the map and I don’t believe that would take much to code either.

I never once stated anything like that. You just like to take a small % of the population and conform their comments incorrectly to the entire population.

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Treezus is a failure 98% of the time. Even when we own SF and have the horde pushed back, it is so easy to just send mages and spam AOE’s and then kite the druids off till they die. It is completely out in the open and is approachable from all angles.


Ok again.

The bunker isnt anywhere near SHGY. Turtling SHGY is an eventual lose due to the design of the graveyard being a bottleneck…it’s easier to round up alliance and funnel them in. IBGY has an open ended back door which allows defending horde the option to fall back and ride round to attack the alliance from the side.

The bunker does not reach the assault on SHGY. If the alliance push out and down the hill near SH bunk side, this allows the horde at SF to take a group and split off around balinda’s hut (again…nowhere near SH bunker)
to assault the graveyard and force the alliance to back up again near the flag.

Giving the horde SFGY is the beginning of the end.


And I never once griefed Alliance in BRM.
