I had no idea FF14 was so casual friendly

This is not only subjective in some areas but blatantly untrue in others lol

Things FF does better:

Things wow does better:
High end raiding/dungeons

Seems like FF wins.

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The map.
Raiding all together
Comabt/polish (not feeling like floating)

I would also like to say, I can get a fresh character to end game and into raiding in like 10 hours max if i want too. Being required to do almost 300 hours of MSQ is a huge loss for a lot of people

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I don’t like their combat systems. I don’t like their graphics. I tried but I just couldn’t adapt to either.


Class design

race design

Gearing imo is better in wow

SeEmS lIkE wOw WiNs

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Thank the gods!!! Lol.

I don’t get these posts. I play both games and they’re so very different.

For me I’m not afraid to enter a dungeon in ff and paradoxically have gotten better in WoW. Without the fear factor caused by a superfluous amount of add ons and stuffed shirt, snot players. Instead support it’s amazing how quickly one gets better.

That said, WoW has the drive and purpose without the reading.

Personally, I just wish there was a combo game of the best elements of both.


I’m still waiting for you to quote me where I said FF does everything better than wow btw.

Not any more. SL is MUCH worse since you have to travel through the hub every single time you want to change zones. HORRIBLE design. Plus in FF you can teleport to multiple places in any zone and they all have flying now. Point to FF.

I keep forgetting about that. I’ll give you that one. I just don’t give two flying fluffs about pvp.

High end raiding. FF has much better casual raiding.

Wow does have good combat but FF’s combat isn’t that far behind, especially at higher levels.


You only have to go through the MSQ once. If you want an alt character, I took one from 1-50 in about 6 hours because I just skipped all the story. It’s super quick if you just skip through the story.

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I can understand this line of thinking. I just started getting into the game deeper this expansion myself. If you want to better yourself theres lots of ways to figure out doing that. If not i would suggest finding completion groups or chill as they are called sometimes. There are good quality people in both games!

When i say map, I mean when you press M. Their map is awful. And no, all raiding in wow is better, your just bitter because of community standards i am assuming. I mean, 4 raid bosses a tier. Like come on be reasonable.

Fair enough. Wow’s combat is a bit better than FF’s but not by a lot.

Purely subjective. I think FF has some much better designed classes than wow.

Everything in wow is still just a humanoid design except for maybe tauren.

Sure if you like RNG within RNG on top of RNG.


And thats not downplaying their raiding, its fun and easy. Looks really pretty. Its just considerably less content in comparison.

Highly disagree.

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300 hours of MSQ even once is about 150 more then i would prefer. For a new player, its a monumental chore. Imagine asking a friend to come play FF and enjoy the new expansion. They wont even see the new expansion for months and months. If they can even log on. (or buy the game)

WOW has 36 different specs. Its triple the amount of FF. I mean you cant even build toons in that game, there is no talents or anything. I can play tank healer or dps as a monk, which class can do that in FF?

kekw …

Not in WoW. The only reason I have damage meter is to better my own last dps. I will never enter anything but a normal or heroic dungeon.
And gods, don’t mention guilds or discord. It’s horse manure top off with cliques.

FF is fun and easygoing. (a little too much rpg.) WoW is more intense with an equally intense player crowd (a little too much hubris.) The quests are fun. Some days I prefer the latter of “shoot everything in sight,” and others go easy, but on my toes in dungeons.

That’s why these threads are just useless troll trash - two entirely different playstyles.

I enjoyed every bit of it. That being said it’s not for everybody.

I agree completely. I hope you enjoy whichever game you chose for today and continue to enjoy both for different reasons!