I had no idea FF14 was so casual friendly


Their ground finder sounds amazing, being able to join groups where everyone is there to learn the fight. No trash just jump in and start fighting the boss

Have to admit their new expansion sounds really good for casuals


It’s good for casuals but the endgame and combat are just so lacking if you ever want to push beyond casual


meanwhile I cancel my ff subs coz I find it boring and can’t find time to play it


I mean I’m not saying FF is some perfect game but it is less time invasive then WoW. Why not trash your WoW sub for a casual friendly game in FF?

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FF isn’t as good of a game in a lot of aspects

Why you’re trying to advertise it on a WoW forum is beyond me lol


If wow would just give up on the grindy systems and concentrate their efforts on giving players fun and interesting content to do (mage tower, casino, better world quests, faster patch cycles of new dungeons, etc) then wow would be the superior game. The gameplay alone is the best around.


My ground finder is just tripping over some dang rock.


Its not that the game is casual friendly, the game is just an outright casual game. Its great for that. i agree lots of systems there are great. Unfortunately there lack of support of add ons and their dungeon content being bad is a no go from me. Also they don’t release nearly enough raid content for me.

I mean, unless you want to push cutting edge content, FF does most everything else better than wow.

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To be honest, I would take the “lack of endgame” for having a good game going forward.


I’m waiting for queues to die down before I jump in FF again.

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OP, I like their group finder system a lot. As a new player in FF, I was so worried about queueing up for instances. But the game gives incentives to the group if there is a new person in the instance, so people happy when newbies join up.

I also think that the long term players of that game love to share their love of the game with new people. This is not to say that this doesn’t happen in WoW, because sometimes it does. However, this has become more difficult in WoW because of cross-realm/sharding.


because I dont like the game :man_shrugging:

Their dungeons are not good. Like at all. The only end game content is 4 savage raid bosses. 4. imagine 4 bosses in a wow raid tier. And not only just 4, but 4 heroic (maybe not even) level difficulty. That doesn’t sound like a fun raid tier.


Opinion. I highly enjoy their dungeons.

I don’t really care about raiding either. I enjoy their raid content. You don’t have to set up your play time like a job to raid in FF. Seems like another big win in my book.


I mean yeah. if you like only 4 raid bosses with midcore difficulty at best. I mean their ultimates are kinda cool, but when was the last one released? they haven’t even given a date for a new one. The fights are good, but having 4 in a raid tier is awful imo. Its progress for like 2 weeks max

FF post :ballot_box_with_check:
Some rando alt :ballot_box_with_check:
Got people mad :ballot_box_with_check:
Troll factor :ballot_box_with_check:

2/10 for getting responses, but lacks in originality.

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Clearly you seem like the much more hardcore raider type. Of course FF is not made for you. Stick with wow. Problem solved.

I enjoy both games? You were the one saying FF did everything better then WoW not me. FF does tons of stuff really well, unfortunately end game isnt up to par to what a WOW player would be used to.

Find the quote where I said that. Show me exactly where I said that.