taah daah, solo delves, solo dungeons even solo raids for story…
theres littereally more content in teh release than any other before it, except maybe Cata, but go on…
what was it… hours, and has been for the past 5 exp? Moot pointZ
This i agree with, multi layering proffs, craft 15 of these so you can craft 5 of those, just to craft one of them… that system can eat my @$$
And I’d put 12 years worth of WoW time on the line if you were not the first to say “they’re ruining class identity”, but then when removed saying "they’re taking away class identity.
I play a dark ranger on my hunter. why cause i love the fantasy. is it gonna be viable… to early to see.
does it matter? F&*# NO. grow up. play the game, if you dont like it, f off. if you cant paly a bad spec competitively… then MIN MAX your heart out. I’m more pissed that the community treats people learning to tank like trash, and those learning to heal for that matter. its like “you may be the tank/Healer, but this is the pace” set by Fhead DPS. this is where the go go go, came from. Blizz should implement an aura that increases DPS within a certain range of the heals