I guess it's over (Goodbye)

Perhaps in the Stormwind Church.



it wasn’t the lecture It was the way out. The cell door opened literately and metaphorically. After Teldrasil the war became a war of annihilation and Saurfang knows that he drunk the blood again. Sylvanas using the blight against both Horde and Alliance in Lordaeron solidifies his belief that the war is aiming for mutual detraction of Horde and Alliance. “She will destroy everything”

“I want my Horde back” When Anduin opens the door he accept that and there is a way out. Remove Sylvanas and the war stops.
They explicitly told it from the start “You made life your enemy” It was a war against the living and our meta perspective should be when and if Npcs will realize it.

They were very careful about that, Anduin didn’t make any demands he only opened a door. The only demand was Saurfangs “I want my Horde back”.


If you mean the talk at Dustwallow Marsh it was mainly to remind-explain the situation. They have said-saw the same things before.

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Honestly I just wish they’d do something with the Church of Holy Light. Or the Defias. Or the Brotherhood of the Horse. Or the House of Nobles. Stormwind does have some interesting concepts, they just refuse to expand on any of it in favor of more Blanduin.

Shaw and SI:7 actually threaten to be interesting on occasion. But they can’t really carry Stormwind with their intrigue alone.


Thank God for that. This dump being ignored by Blizzard is one of the saving graces of the story.


By. Anduin.


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Actually the metaphorical part was started by Saurfang when he spared Anduin.


He’s a spinless hypocrite and a soapbox for Anduin to moralize on. He put his own pride and honor above that of his people. Its past time for Saurfang to wander into the desert and confront the Old Man of the Desert but he isn’t willing to make the decision himself.


He could have challenged Mok’gora right on the beaches of Darkshore, but he did nothing. That spineless jackass did nothing, but wants to feel sorry for it later. What did you do to stop Saurfang? And all did what? A war that didn’t even need to happen. Silithus could have been resolved especially with Magni, a former alliance leader, willing to work with both factions and the inclusion of both the Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring. He didn’t have the guts to do what needed to be done. I’m so over his sob story and I won’t miss him.


You’re probably fun at parties huh.

No one was allowed to respond to the Burning of Teldrassil appropriately.

On the Horde, if you have a more good or heroic aligned character, then it’s implied they also just stood idly by and did nothing.

Just as it’s implied the Kaldorei were numbskulls who lived in the world’s largest fire hazard and couldn’t invent fire escape plans.

It was an embarrassing story beat for all parties involved.


you didnt read elegy did you

Awhile ago. I guess I missed whatever dumb plot contrivance they invented to retroactively justify that pathetic jump-the-shark nonsense.

Honest to God I think burn-the-world-tree may now be my goto phrase for asinine video game plot twists that serve only to shock the players.

In much the same way I could shock my dinner party guests if I lept on the table, squatted down, and defecated on the main course while screaming the Latvian anthem.

Certainly be shocking and subvert expectations. But, nobody would call it clever or come to my dinner parties anymore.


You may not have noticed, but he has come up with an acute case of dead.

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If your Main Course was a city filled with Night Elves who allow for a leadership that gives safe harbor to Genn, I would say your movements could only be a benefit.

Well, some folk might come. But you might not be entirely enthused with the crowd.


Teldrassil was burned because they had to make Sylvanas bad because they are steering the Horde towards one direction. Only that and nothing more. The rest of the War of Thorns was entirely Saurfang’s plan and execution, but Blizzard knew the average player wouldn’t even realize that and only focus on the ending, and they were correct.

Sylvanas is now reviled by the average player despite her doing something that was agreed upon by all the Horde leadership present. But because she was Warchief, it means she was wholly responsible.


After he got thousands honorlessly killed because he wasn’t willing to admit the obvious or do the deed himself. Saurfang’s death should be a cautionary tale of how pride can be. In a more “honorable” culture, He would have had the decency to fall on his axe before Teldrassil.

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Uh. The Warchief has supreme executive authority in the Horde. It’s essentially a Dictatorship. Some Warchiefs might’ve listened to other leaders more closely, but ultimately the responsibility for the Horde’s actions fell on their shoulders for better and for worse.

If the Horde leadership disagreed their only means of a veto would be Mortal Kombat. And, I don’t think that’s the most practical course of action when a world war’s just been started.


Yeah as we’ve seen, Horde leadership has never disagreed with the Warchief, you nailed it bud. They all just blindly nod their head in agreement. Nope, never been a rebellion or disagreement in the Horde once.

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I’m not really sure what your argument is here.

Obviously there’s been rebellions but as you’ll recall in both cases, there was a build up to them that required building a resistance.

Which tracks logically for me. No rebellion I’ve read about appeared from the ether the second the incumbent authority did a no no.

I’m not sure what people are asking for storywise. Saurfang should’ve attacked Windrunner immediately? So he could die there and skip the whole arc? Because with SL in mind - nobody would’ve beaten Windrunner in a fight she had plot armor on.