I guess I'll just watch other people play on twitch or somethin

I was kinda hyped for this but that went away pretty quick when I log on after work and can’t create a Horde character on the only pvp realm.

Oh well I guess I’ll just watch others play. Anyone know of any good smalltime streamers?

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Working as intended?


It was already mentioned ahead of time Blizzard wanted PvP servers to actually involve PvP and not 468 against 1. You can continue to play the era servers for that.


you can flag up on the pve realm.


Yep. I resist the urge to post a troll thread to reserve a TBC rant thread about

damn Blizzard won’t let me create my blood elf on a pvp server.

as many of us know that will be a problem on tbc prepatch too lol.

the answer for google to find next year will be…wait for more space goats to be made on the pvp servers.

the game didn’t want faerlina in era which is what we’d get. Horde is BIS for many here.

I made horde, ngl. On a pve server. Cata I am alliance heavy, lets spice it up

Dreamscythe…lets you make anything. My 5 char spam to resever names I just clicked whatever. Gnome, orc…sure. They hold a name.

Proof that pvp players don’t actually want faction balance in their world pvp and just want to gank people


Absolute truth

Made poor choices, got mad.


Most of them can’t even PvP to save their lives. Chronoboon as exhibit A.

Maybe cata benediction hasn’t got around to saving era yet.

It could be FL night for many there.

that was sarcasm if meter was broken.

Era horde would need bene moving lots of people here as I see it. this would allow more horde creations.

Issue…the only difference between pagle and benediction was pagle was at least honest about the strong pve interest.

faction lock is individually annoying but ultimately a good thing :expressionless:


I agree. What’s the point of even being a PvP realm if they go 97% one faction to the point they outnumber the opposing side 468 to 1? Just roll PvE at that point, you essentially made your server one. I’m glad Blizzard finally has some sense about what a PvP server should be like.


I think you guys are failing to see the argument. There is ONLY 1 PvP server and now if he/she wants to play horde they can’t play on the ONLY PvP server.

I understand why they lock realms but it’s BS for someone who pays the same as I do not to be able to make a horde toon on the same server I did because they didn’t log on in time.

That’s how you balance factions.
There’s no getting around it. It’s the first night of golive.

If they made another pvp server it would be the exact same issue, more servers don’t solve this.

And Blizzard made it this way to counter that mentality. They DO NOT want lopsided PvP servers. They want actual PvP, not 468 against 1. There is no argument. This was intended, and was stated they wanted balance in PvP, not this “so many one of faction it might as well be a PvE server” nonsense.

Look everybody, its someone who can’t handle getting ganked in a video game so they take it to heart and make comments like this. It’ll be ok, I promise.

It’s ok, strangers on the internet aren’t going to make fun of your little buddy, little buddy

Ppl only play horde when it’s popular.


i just wanted to play the game with my friends

You should ask your friends to play on a PvE server then

It’s a tale as old as time, you just want to play with your friends and didn’t sign up to be ganked and camped but that’s what world pvp is all about

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