I guess I'll just watch other people play on twitch or somethin

We did alliance on a PvE server last time and are switching it up this go around. I’ve done both since I started almost 20 years ago but they wanted a new and different experience. Having some sort of faction balance is important so I suppose I’ll just wait until it opens up again for a bit lol

For those of us that couldn’t log on and create when the server went live, it’s not an ideal solution. I assume they are locking due to amount of char. created. If so, the better idea would have been to limit the number of horde/alliance characters you could make one 1 account. That way I might have had a chance to play the faction I wanted 5 hours after launch.

You didnt take a day off work?

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Cata grobb has an alliance lock pretty much all the time. It might open that window once a week if you bother to check.

cata has the arena with emfh and horde nerfed. alliance shift…is not something you have to spend hours wondering why. FOTM meta slaves will meta slave.

(post deleted by author)

The PVE realm is also full of Horde players, Ally will have instant BG queues… so depressing if you went Horde this time.

Why did people all go Horde, gosh I hate streamers so much.

Blood elf later for me for a paladin race. I have this here Space goat already.

And I have an alliance army in cata. So I said wth, lets make a forsaken which I’ve not done before even in retail.

I won’t be dropping the cata. I make era different for spice, basically.

tale as old as time

Welcome to the knee jerk news… I will be your host… Sir Jerk. Lets base all data off 6 hours of play where no actual PVP takes place. Back to you non-issue.

As an OCE peasant, I’m just watching and laughing. It’s what I tend to do with NA nowadays, both in game and IRL.

The option to roll Horde will open eventually.

Lmg, youre a Harris fangirl

If you say so.

Keep relaunching the client until it works. That’s what I did.


world pvp is all about 10vs1 , if u are that one enjoy the “pvp” (People vs Person)

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It’s really that simple.

It’s not technically that you are not allowed to play on the only NA PVP server, but that you are not allowed to play Horde on the only NA PVP server until the Alliance adds more faction.

My buddy ran into the same issue last night, waited about 30 minutes, and a slot became available. It sucks because it’s going to prevent a decent population of friends and Guildies to ultimately not being able to play together, which is the absolute best thing about this game. Being forced to play the faction you don’t want sucks, especially if you’re being split from friends. I don’t really feel sorry though for people that just drool over one faction and refuse to play the other. But, for the greater good of the long-term server health, that is the sacrifice that must be made.

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I played horde since 2008. Same guild, largely the same group of people. When classic came out in 2019 my guild decided to try the game as alliance PVE. We had a good time. We decided to try horde this time because most of us never got to play horde during vanilla. They made their characters on the PvP realm because occasionally we like to wpvp. I didn’t get off work in time to join them.

So according to most of you, I’m supposed to abandon my guild and go to a pve realm? These are people I’ve been playing the game with for many many years. That kinda sucks.

the only way this would be fixed is buffing alliance racials

every man for himself would be a good start