I got yelled at in M+ because I don't know what "soak at the back" means

Here’s the thing…there are abilities in the game that won’t one shot you.
Then there are those that will.

You can ignore one of these
You cannot ignore the other

Common sense is your friend lol

Already know that.

800 replies ago.

Did you hit your head?

If you did you wouldnt have misunderstood the fuy and replied with your common sense snippit.

And i just ran Galakrond`s Fall; if you have DBM installed which you do, it tells you what to do. And soak the back is very straight forward as for what to do on that fight.

This was 100% a bait thread to try and shame someone “yelling” at you lol

The dude has lost the plot. Just stop replying to him.

I dont think you know what the plot is

It’s a turn of phrase that means you’ve lost your mind. You’ve been in this thread for a full day repeating the same thing over and over. It’s like you’re obsessed with OP and it’s frankly creepy.

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Nah. I just like calling him out for the BS he continues to spew

Yeah he’s got some issues.

Im at work though so it’s passing the time lol

You have more posts than the OP and you’ve been in the thread half the time.

You’ve lost it. You look insane. You seriously need to stop, dude.

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Talk about being creepy…

Not sure if youre aware of this or not, but you are able to interact with more than a single person on a forums right?

Says the guy who needs internet strangee validation to make himself feel better lol

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Whatever man. Keep harassing somebody in a thread everyone else has moved on from. Totally normal move. You don’t look like an obsessed lunatic at all.

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You’ll notice i didnt even interact with him…i responded to someone else who appreantely didn’t “move on”.

And the OP comes and personally attacks me.

Lol but yes, im the problem

Some people are patient and understanding of mistakes and ignorance, other people are not. Some people take into account the key level in their tolerance of lack of knowledge, others do not. You have examples of both in this thread.

Regardless of which type of person you encounter, try to learn from what they tell you, regardless of the way they tell you. Because some people are polite, others are not. Just like in the real world.

Now I want you to look into a mirror and say this until you really mean it…

Op, I sent the request but I don’t think you ever accepted it :pensive:

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I accepted 3 last night.

I was only on for an hour or so.

Ill check tonight after work!

As I said earlier, I don’t actually know when it was used for the first time in a WoW-context. Because to me, and literally everyone I have ever encountered in WoW across multiple server regions (EU and US) have always known what it meant.

So… I decided to try to find out when it was first used in WoW. I could find posts talking about it from 2012 but as a term already accepted and commonly used. Even to the degree where folks were making linguistic offshoots of the word. But then I found the link I just posted.

Soaking as a gaming terminology is at least from 1991. With arguments being made that it was used in wargaming making the term older. Much, much older.

When I say everyone knows what this means, and if one doesn’t know it, own up to it. Ask, talk. Be upfront and honest about not knowing and understand that if you screwed up that’s on you. Don’t do what the OP of this thread did. Because the vast, VAST majority of players know what it means, can figure out what it means, or knows that one can ask to get an answer, or to Google it if one doesn’t want to ask.

Hey guys after doing zero statistical research at all I have determined that the vast majority of players know what a word means!

Thanks for my talk!

On another note, 62% of players think you’re wrong.

Also, 49% of players hate eating cabbage.

I wouldn’t touch M+ with a 10ft pole. People are toxic.


Mythic+ culture is so disappointing.