I got falsely reported for "abusive language" and I filed an appeal

They do, it’s a game of whack a mole, get rid of one and another 20 comes in it’s place.I have seen so many players over the years come here saying my accounts been banned /suspended for whatever reason and 99.999999999999999% of time it’s because player x did something bad not saying what you did was wrong but consider for a moment, why didn’t you report the player that suggested that you be reported for toxic behaviour.


They tried that for a bit, but not realistic consider how many servers. How much is going on 24/7. The cost including hiring, training, infrastructure. What they would gain would not be worth the cost. Companies have to ride a fine line between cost and what they gain.


I appreciate the fact you understand where I’m coming from.
I also appreciate that you explained that the silence wasn’t what I thought it was for, though I still don’t fully know what I said.

I did report him after he straight up said “I buy gold” in general chat.
Even put that in the message “Admitted to buying gold in chat.”

If he was trolling he won’t get in trouble.
If he wasn’t I believe Nelson Muntz said it best when he said “Ha ha!”

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Just to hopefully help. The blues here isn’t going to tell you what you’ve said due to, well, if it isn’t allowed in game, it isn’t allowed on the forums.


Well then you can now have a feel good moment that you helped make WoW a better game by reporting negative or inappropriate chat. Always report and do nothing more, and think about how you are helping make the game safer for all.


I’m hoping I get a transcript in the appeal report.
I put a request in for one.

I’m honestly amused and curious more than anything.

Hang around this forum a bit, and you’ll see that they actually do. A lot of times ban waves aren’t apparent to someone just playing the game.

The problem is with bots, they ban them in waves because they study them, track their movements and codes and then ban and update to break the bot. But, gold selling in WoW is a multi-million dollar business so the bot makers are always looking for new ways to get around Warden. It’s like Blizzard is playing Whack-A-Mole.


That’s why I think Gold Buying should be 1-strike and you’re out.
They’ve been handling gently(relative) for the last 20 years.

If they start permabanning people and hardware banning them it’d do a lot to curb gold buying. Most gold buyers are too dumb to look up MAC Spoofing or even know what that is in the first place.

While most will agree with you on one strike and you’re out. It would only cause one major problem, you would have hundreds of dozens of players an hour coming here saying they were wrongly banded trying to lawyer there way out of the ban just like people do right now only in greater numbers which would push ticket waiting time to never seen before levels. It’s all down to money in the end.

Thing is, Gold Sellers, it is an everlasting battle between Blizzard and them. As long as there is a market in the game for the gold sellers, they will always return. And Blizzard doesn’t take any second chances with them.

But we can not really do much as the players, except to just report them. Let Blizzard deal with them. Don’t let the gold sellers ruin your enjoyment of the game. As for those who purchase the illicit gold, as Orlyia has mentioned:

Just keep the discussion between friends and/or your guild members. Don’t let others doing the wrong ruin your enjoyment of the game. Let them find out the hard way the full risk that can happen to there accounts if caught breaching the In-Game Code of Conduct or End User License Agreements.