The report was the result of me calling cheaters(gold buyers) cheaters in the General Chat in STV. Cheaters(Gold buyers) get very angry when to tell them that buying gold is cheating. One of them straight up said “report him for toxicity” because I kept saying Gold buying is cheating.
Also are there penalties for filing false reports assuming that this is overturned?
I’m an RPer being unable to chat because a bunch of cheaters abused the reporting system sucks.
So, if I’m understanding the wording here; you was starting to spam the chat with your phrase? If so, that’d be why. Along with the fact that accusing others isn’t that useful, let along doing in an open chat.
All you can do is wait, no one on the forums can help with this.
I wasn’t spamming the same thing over and over again.
I was replying to people who were arguing and saying “Buying gold isn’t cheating” or “Why do you care what other people do?”
The argument went on for about an hour.
It started because I found a bot and was trying to get people to report it.
The guy who started the brigade to “report him for toxicity” openly admitted to buying gold(literally said “I buy gold”) and that reporting bots doesn’t do anything and gold buying won’t go away.
On my version of the game(Classic Anniversary) Gold buying is against the rules and is cheating.
To be frank; what you say doesn’t matter here. I can easily say I cheat in general chat, doesn’t make it remotely true. Whatever someone else is doing doesn’t entitled others to accuse others of actions.
If you were talking in general chat for a hour about the same subject. Would be considered as spam. Whether or not it is the same sentence. It is best to just report people.
I don’t consider a conversation with multiple participants who have differing viewpoints as being spam regardless of the length of time that the conversation has taken place over.
The bad guy here isn’t the one speaking out against cheaters and bots, it’s the people who abused the report system because they got mad that they got called cheaters.
I didn’t directly call anyone a cheater at any point.
The conversation started as “Hey there’s a bot here, report it.”
And then some guy saying “Lol why bother blizz doesn’t do anything” and then I said “I’ve personally gotten 3 bots and a gold seller banned through reporting.”
It kinda escalated from there with people flaming me for reporting gold sellers/bots and my stance on gold buying being cheating.
If there were many people who reported you. You were the one that was disruptive. Which is against the social contract. So it would of been your other fellow players as well that reported. Blizzard does really well in cracking down bots.
Saying once “There’s a bot at X,Y” isn’t brigading.
The guy who said “Report him for toxicity” because I said “Gold Buying is cheating” is the one who brigaded.
Just apeal look im gona be honest people that come her claiming to be innocent usualy have the skeletons taken out the closet most players arent as nice as they claim.
I know exactly what you’re talking about actually.(I actually spelled the acronym wrong, though I don’t consider body parts to be profane myself).
That wasn’t even related to the incident with the botter argument.
I’m surprised that of all things got me reported considering some fo the things I’ve seen in barrens chat.
I’m actually curious now.
Will the appeal report have a transcript?
I don’t have a tendency to tell people to shut up with acronyms, though if I were agitated due to people defending cheating(Gold buying) I might have dropped an F bomb.