I got a week long ban for looking for a right-leaning guild

It’s the latter assertion that is the weird part, we know that a + b generally = c in this case….

This is not, in-fact, how burden of proof works.

I’m sure right wing grifter weekly has done a lot of “studies” on it lol

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‘Rules for thee, but not for me’ is their way of life. They live it, breathe it, and stand by it.


Right…so all the athletes and soldiers throughout history that aren’t conservative, they just didn’t have enough testosterone?

Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats

Study done by: Paul Zak, Claremont Graduate University

Do you snowflakes ever get tired of being the victim? Did starbucks release another holiday cup or something you mad about?


I’m sure there’s dozens of them.


Oh man, this is great

Dozens, huh? Lmao. Enjoy your fantasy world.

Shhh, everyone be quiet, the troll is here.


As I said before, projection is all they’ve got. Every accusation is a confession. They openly accuse others of what they’re doing, because it’s all they’re capable of.


they lean one side here. and its not in everybody’s favor.

best to just keep mouth closed round these parts and play the game.

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As an outsider only interested in pushing free speech to the point I can use gamer words again ive no idea what side your referencing…

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We’ve already covered that you’re an embodiment of that so I’m not sure what you’re trying to argue here.

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Poltical thread! Quick, lets start fighting before the mods get online!

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Oh no, you cant say a bunch of hateful things! Your day must be ruined!


And I found a study that states that “Conservatism and moral beliefs associated with conservatism have both been linked to decreased cortical volume in the anterior cingulate cortex.”

So shall I start making vast generalizations about people who subscribe to a political ideology based on that?



Lol, right.

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I wasnt going to say anything hateful. Funny for you to jump to conclusions though. thanks for showing true colors :slight_smile:

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