I got 3 425 titanforged items from m+ cache 3 weeks in a row and still hate titanforging

See my pizza example. If you hate something you don’t consume it just because you have it.

If you think titanforging is ruining the game for you, why wouldn’t you delete it. Then you can ‘earn’ your gear fair and square if that’s what you think it is depriving you of.

No one is going to be able to give a good reason unless they can understand why he hates it. He needs to understand why he hates it and takes steps himself to make his game experience better and doesn’t mean changing the entire game. It means changing his outlook and adjusting.

JuSt dElEtE iT

I don’t like a raid I don’t do it - whats so hard about that ?

Sure it is if you’re altruistic you realize it’s a toxic system that leaves people feeling worse half the time, Either from getting just a warforge or nothing at all especially on that slim upgrade slot they need.

Titanforge isn’t an opt-in system. The only way to not “use” it would be to cancel your sub to the game. Not really a sound position in an argument about TF.

Even if you hate the system, it’s just a part of WoW right now. Not using it means either not playing or intentionally handicapping yourself if you do high end content.


lol, so you guys are alturistic - hahahahahaha that’s a good one.

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So much staw.

/use item

You need to take item out of game.


You should not have to use.


Yes I played wow for years because it was a community driven game, not for the gear, I played with many guilds, gave up many pieces of gear knowing it was a huge upgrade for someone else even knowing it was an upgrade for me. Not every player has a selfish identity and it seems all those that didn’t mostly left the game, since you identify yourself as the majority.

Good luck out there though bud!

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I can opt out of raids.

I can’t opt out of TF

Your only solution to me avoiding TF involves destroying gear that I earned through completing content. This is detrimental to my character progression as a whole.

Again if I could flip a switch and turn it off I’d understand your argument, but I can’t. It’s forced on me.

When you distroy it. You get random matts that are mostly useless, but …

Not sure what you point it. I’ve never gotten a titanforge item from my Mythic+ cashes.

kk as long as we can agree people like op are a minority.

They are useless. They don’t make up for the loss at all. If the base ilvl was an option over TF the “DeLeTe IT”crowd would have a leg to stand on

But it’s not an option. So I’m left with the decision of deleting it and gimping my character bad enough to be left out of other content ultimately ruining my gameplay experience

Or just take the items begrudgeingly and go along to get along. I wish it wasn’t in the game, but I have to take part or I fall behind

So if you had a piece of 415 gear you would not replace it with 425. I find that hard to believe.

Ummm okay. Thanks for telling us what you got and that you hate titanforging. Much needed post.

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If I could turn it off I would. I cannot

Yes, so it forces you to decide do I stick to my principles and not use it or abandon my principles and use it. Must be tough faced with that.

Sounds like you are one of them self hating luckers. I haven’t gotten any 425 titan forged items and I love titan forging.

Nah not that tough honestly. I put my team before myself. So I don’t destroy gear that negatively effects my team just to serve my own desires

But that doesn’t mean I enjoy it or won’t voice out against it. Blizzard may do nothing about it, and if that’s the path they take then so be it.

Not really. If I was playing alone, then I’d be here asking for a mode to turn off WF/TF. Easy. The problem is I’m not playing alone. The game isn’t played in a vacuum and it isn’t a single player experience, even if you want it to be.

Either way, my main point still stands. WF/TF is an RNG dopamine hit. Nothing more. Give us a meaningful reward structure… I’m not interested in gambling. If I was I’d go play Diablo… Like I did… For years… I don’t want Diablo. I want WoW.

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