I got 3 425 titanforged items from m+ cache 3 weeks in a row and still hate titanforging

No, I am not. But sure do know that you can still disenchant those things or put them into the machine to get "titan essence. Then for those titan-forged items, you can sell them to a vendor for gold, disenchant them for enchanting mats, or put them into the machine for mats.

Beside I really do not care anymore about this subject.

And I’m saying, that it’s more complicated than that. You’re calling me a hypocrite because I’m wearing the items I’m complaining about. I’m saying that if I could, I WOULD destroy these items, but to do so would yield other consequences that I find worse than the items themselves.

You’re evaluating this on a very shallow level if you’re not considering all the potential scenarios.

Again, if me not wanting to hurt my teams progression (cause that’s what it would be doing if I deleted the items) or me not wanting to shut down my pug options (cause that’s also what would happen if I deleted the items) makes me a hypocrite for using them?

Then fine, I’m a hypocrite (in your eyes at least).

I wouldnt either after being so sure of myself thinking that Azerite could indeed titanforge to then be proven otherwise lol

As if there was a choice lol

So are people who don’t like the azerite system hypocrites too? Since they also equip azerite armor


I never said it was productive. I am just saying using them and complaining about the system is hypocritical.

But, I will try my best on finding a way to use them productive. Professions can give certain amounts of armor ilevels. You need mats to build them. You can use the machine or disenchant them to get the mats from those titan-forged items. Now if that is not what you want to do, fine. That was the productive way of using them if you are against titan-forging.

Is it me or does Ironnic’s name suit him very well ?

Thank you for trying to say how scrapping would be productive. I was more meaning productive in this issue of removing titan forging from the game rather than what can you use the scrap for. Perhaps I should have been more specific.

So op you should now do 5 random +15’s and go kick some noob butt.
PvP if you are into that…

Get your grove on…

I beleve if they are throwing gear at you maybe its a hint that you might have a shot at the esport thing. Thats all i am saying.

No one dislikes getting a strong items. You can dislike a system of the game and still play it.


Well then, there is no use talking to people that are obviously using counter-productive arguments for their basis.

No, I am not being shallow. I said use the items if they help you. Then stop being hypocritical when using them.

Hyporcite - a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

I am just stating the obvious here in this discussion. That is why I said if you want a solid argument, don’t use them and then argue about it, but that is not going to happen.

I mean… he did explain why he didn’t like it… Just like you explained why you do. He doesn’t enjoy gambling… You do.

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Whats your point ?

I already agreed with you. In your eyes I’m a hypocrite. As Spicy said above: I guess everyone who complained about the Azerite system are also hypocrites. At least according to you.

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This dude is blatantly blind to the fact that HE HAS TO BE RIGHT and that Using titanforged items while complaining about the system HAS TO BE BEING HYPOCRITE. Just a lost cause tbh, stop replying to him.

Sorry you are botting the fourm. You responed before my edit kicked in.
My tires need more hot air…
On topic…

Rock paper swichblaides …

Ok my opinion is that is that if titan forging were not in the game at all for everyone the game would be better for it.

Now does that make me using titan forged gear make me a hypocritE? No of course not. These two things are entirely separate from each other since the second is taking place in a world where forging does exist.

I’m excited to start calling people hypocrites incorrectly if they speak out against anything they take part in

Don’t like a raid boss but kill them? Hypocrite

Think pet battles lack but still do them? Hypocrite

The future is now!

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I think this is the last we will see of him, literally destroyed his whole logic multiple times over and over and by multiple players. At this point, he’s probobly considering going back to school.

Afraid , the bottom line is the Game has many random aspects to it. The highest content is also random, but pepole …

Go do hard content then say it is easy. When everyone knows you are not telling the truth.