I give up waiting

I was expecting gray parses tbh. You kinda let me down there

By nature of monk being one of the least played classes, brew is generally going to be the lowest in participation.


if it was good it wouldnt have the lowest participation and at least be relevant to the other classes which are relatively close to each other. the fact is brew has been bad for so long that people have abandoned the class and they need to do something to bring it closer in line. there is a difference in being able to complete content and having the class feel ok while doing it. kinda like the havoc dh thing for me. its like ya dh can be good but it feels horrible to play.

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Sure but monk is an unpopular class in general.

If you take the number of spec that have timed a 12 and up divide by the number of that spec that have timed any m+ you get this for tanks:

Prot Warrior: 2.8%
Prot Paladin: 6.1%
Blood dk: 1.7%
Brewmaster: 1.8%
Bear: 1.9%
Dh: 1.6%

Brewmaster is on par with dk, dh, and druid.

In the past when monk specs have been meta their participation improved but didnā€™t skyrocket like other specs have.

It literally would simply because there are less people participating as a whole. If you take tank participation at level 13+ keys and compare it against the tank participation at all key levels, ie the overall population for that tank, you can get a better picture of which spec is pushing higher keys relative to its overall class popularity. Itā€™s still not a perfect picture, but its a better picture than pure representation alone.

Spec Overall Population 13+ Population ā€° (Per 1000)
Protection Paladin 1,693,376 49,912 29.47
Protection Warrior 1,474,150 13,377 9.07
Blood DK 1,152,172 4,798 4.16
Brewmaster Monk 445,957 2,152 4.83
Guardian Druid 940,361 4,462 4.74
Veangeance DH 921,192 3,994 4.33
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at while ive been back playing the only time they were near meta was in bfa season 3 and they had a much higher participation but the problem was pally and warrior were equally as good and easier to play. i dont think they have ever been the clear dominant class at least in m+ in raid they were killing it until the stagger nerfs.

really once you go past 13s the meta tanks completely outstrip the competition. would have guessed thatā€¦ you also have to factor in the fact that only really the most hardcore players are still playing monk and are more likely to push on it. while classes like blood dk which are crap when pushing above 12s are have a much higher participation overall because its a super fun class to play while brew just isnt.

Mistweaver was meta for a bit in dragon flight and they didnā€™t pop off like when other classes were meta. Monk is simply unpopular and people assume that since their % is small on raider. Io they must be bad.

Anyone doing 13s+ as non prot paladin is probably enjoying what they play and also good at what they do.

that fine but the number of people actually enjoying are show in the numbers of overall participation. 1.1mil blood dks to 445k brewmasters is pretty telling. even 921k vdhā€™s. the numbers are bad for brewmasters imo because its overall the worst feeling class to play. i want them to make it more fun again and feel better in relevance to the other tanks. i would love to see a brewmaster meta season where the dominate but for some reason blizz just ignores them.

they were decent but not meta from what im remembering. also as a side note alot of people just dont like how fistweaving feels especially when then holy pally was much more fun to play and was meta.

Monk as a whole has commonly been underplayed and itā€™s impossible to tell how much is because of feel and how much is because of animations or some other concept.

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this goes into the feel category. the other classes just overall are more enjoyable to me to play and are much more fun. ive been recently playing brew and it just feels like you have to do so much more work to get some results. throw it in that brews are the hardest class to probably heal and its not a great situation.

Iā€™ve been playing brew and feel like I can just ignore everything because stagger protects

depends on the key level maybe in lowers keys but its not what im experiencing and my healer tells me that all the time lol.

I havenā€™t gone above 10s because thereā€™s been no benefit to doing so. My healers tell me that monks are the most casual to heal

then they havnt healed a good blood dk lol. one of those in a 10 dont need any healing.

The fact that all three monk specs are unpopular makes your theory unlikely. Itā€™s far more likely that people just donā€™t like monk as a theme.

You can even see it in BG3 numbers. Paladin is a much more popular class than monk despite tavern brawler monk being extremely OP. People enjoy the class fantasy of being the knight in shining armor and not the humble punch kick monk.

Iā€™m playing both bdk and monk and monk feels way stronger than bdk right now.

this falls into the feel category once again, looks, strength, rp, mog, these all play a factor in why people play a class and monk tends to be lacking.

blood dk is a beast up to around the 12 level then starts to fall off in my own playing them but after 12s idk yet since im not there yet on my monk(still in 11s). also currently still in a bit of gear disparity not a huge one but its still there.