I give up on tanking

do you know how often taunt gets resisted? and tanks have next to no aoe and are having to relearn rage management. is it so hard to dps one mob… like if there is a skull, X and moon what do you do… DPS skull then x and sheep CC moon

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Yeah It’s not easy to AoE tank as a warrior as it is for druids. Good luck trying to hold aggro.

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Well he mentioned no matter how much he tried talking to them, they wouldn’t listen. I have seen this first hand where a group will not even be a cleave formed group but the singular warlock or mage will still just play like it is and hellfire/blizzard spam. It’s gotten so bad I’ve seen warlocks just spam hellfire on single target fights.

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People like you make this game miserable “Just push buttons so I can get mah purplez n feel gud about mah self”

That streamer culture is in full swing.

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These groups I only worry about keeping aggro off the healer… The dps can eat it for all I care if they’re smashing early that’s on them.

Well I’ve been in dozens of bad pugs. Pugs will be pugs at the end of the day.
If you want consistency, then start sending out friend requests to players that behave the way you want them to when you lead tank.

Or you can just not invite mages and warlocks and just do a group with people who are more single target focused classes. That will easily remediate the issue by a lot.

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Talking in group, not raid. If all you have to do is hold agro on one mob, I don’t think anyone has too much trouble with that, depending on the mob.

Unless its a hefty upcon(like 3+ levels up)… very rarely.

It is quite true we set the tempo. Its not true that literally every pug I do, they go bananas, don’t let me pull, and dps random stuff. Just yesterday, I did a pug with a friend and it started off skittish but then we hit our groove and cleared everything in BRD front to back.

In fact, banana groups happen very rarely… even less so now that i’m in the 50’s as people tend to have a bit more respect for content like BRD, are a bit more up-to-speed and dungeons, and generally are getting to the point where rep matters.

I have been tanking since 2005 and still do. Classic is no different. I love it. At lower levels you aren’t going to be doing much as threat generating. You just do not have all of what you need to do the job 99.9% effectively. I am 50 now and have most of what I need and am doing just fine. Heck, I was doing just fine at 40. It’s still just as enjoyable. Albeit I do run into some pugs that don’t allow me some time. But what ever. I will just let them die lol. They pull it they tank it.

I think there’s going to be an adjustment period to vanilla. In classic and BC you had to use CC and if you tried to pull entire rooms, broke sheep constantly, and wouldn’t let your tank get aggro because you had to nuke/aoe immediately then you would die or your healer would start yelling at you, and possibly the tank yelling too, then you’d get kicked. (BC was even more unforgiving and it was my favorite expac, i’d love a vanilla + BC server)

Then WOTLK came along and everything after and /faceroll pull everything at once, immediate AOE, power creep iwinbutton strategy from blizz. Which is why i quit during cata, the raids were ok but the dungeons were just an AOE-fest “funfaster” “pullmore”.

Soooo let the vanilla sink in and start bouncing players who don’t listen from your group, and since it’s single server, reputation will build and follow the morons around. Some of them will eventually lock on and adjust play style, those used to carebear WoW will go back to the power fantasy on the retail servers.

Look at my DEEPS bro!

I touch on a nerve? The fact remains i’d take an overzealous DPS over a whiny, slow tank any day of the week.

I don’t follow streamers, get over yourself.

I saw that a higher-level person was having trouble finding tanks, and people were almost kind of mocking him, saying he should have made friends with tanks while leveling.

So I thought to myself, I’m not going to let that happen to me. I’m going to add every tank to my friends list while leveling up.

Through Ragefire Chasm and Wailing Caverns, I added each tank to my friends list.

Now I’m around level 27 and I started to notice over the past few days that I actually haven’t seen those tanks log on, in quite a while.

I’m starting to worry that maybe they gave up playing their tanks.

Suddenly, I’m finding myself in the same boat as that other guy: Looking for a tank and not many logged on, on my friends list. :-/

No cross-server LFG neighbor, your tank pop is specific to your server in classic. Burn them out and no raids or dungeons for you unless you roll a tank.

As a DPS you are replaceable and easily so. Healers and tanks, especially good ones, not so much.

Yesterday in LFG I saw people posting lfg with their DPS number added. Made me cringe.

Hey OP, I know it doesn’t feel like it, but tanking in these situations is making you a better tank in the long run, if you’re willing to tough it out.

I feel like these threads give bad tanks the idea that their inability to hold threat is anyone’s fault but theirs. Sure, if your DPS absolutely bursts out it’s not your fault if you can’t hold aggro. But your dps ARE allowed to attack mobs.

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I can’t tank in classic.

mostly cause im a hunter.

yes… this is a very late reply… (horde side, warriors & Druids are the only tanks)
I’m reading it as… You thought I was pointing out to Druid TANK(s)?
No… I was not mentioning Druids as tank.

I like your comment here… :slight_smile: 8D

Let’s look at the common denominator in this. Maybe look inward and realize you just suck…