apparently she had an extra account that used to play years ago, but she started playing a different one and ended up with 2. majority of her characters are on the account she didnt upgrade. can this be reversed or transferred?
she was just really excited about the 70 boost, but her evening ended in disappointment, by clicking the wrong button
As the person who made the purchase, you’re going to have to submit a request for a refund. They cannot move the purchase from one license to another, they will have to refund you the purchase for you to then purchase again and gift her.
The biggest thing is she’s going to need to stay off the account. If she’s used the boost, that may make things a little more difficult, but these things are so very time-sensitive.
You can start by trying the self-service refund tool here:
If it won’t let you from that screen, it should then offer you the opportunity to create a ticket instead.
Be careful and make sure you’re selecting the proper purchase for them to refund (i.e. not to refund your own purchase for your account).
thanks just tried that now, and it says because it was claimed i have to appeal it