im mean zuggers gonna zug, until they die. end of the day do your best and protect the healer and you will usually clear. DPS being selfish isnt a new thing you just kinda have to deal.
Full prot?
Uhhh why lol
Shield slam
Your comments on these forums make complete sense now.
still a frustrating occurrence because it still taxes the healer more, which causes the whole group to function less efficiently.
I wish people knew how efficient it was to actually play the game the way it was meant instead of trying to speed run it with these crazy inefficient strats that don’t actually speed things up.
efficient properly played groups constantly move because they dont even need to drink.
I really enjoy tanking in Vanilla. It’s very simplistic in nature and obviously a delicate roll to play.
What I hate are warriors who don’t want to tank giving the warrior tank a hard time. Ie pulling for him and rushing ahead.
And so the mob goes after the healer and it´s a wipe.
Did he at least life drain after the pull or did you have to heal him up?
Almost impossible for a mob to kill a priest healer, so taking threat every once in a while is no biggie
To be honest it’s not a new issue. Tanks are always the role every group is looking for in every version of classic. A lot of people just don’t like having to lead and feel responsible.
The stupidly obvious answer is because I can. I can play however I want. How and why its even a question for you says a lot about you and none of it is particularly good.
That would make one of us. The same can’t be said for you but at least you hide your profile.
What does full prot do for you exactly lol.
It’s doing something different from what I’m normally accustomed too. My guild note reads:
“Lvling as prot sux. i love it!”
People always said that leveling a warrior is horrible and Im having fun with the theory.
Going traditional pull prot is actually fun af if you only spam dungeons and have good gear equipped. Solo questing prot is miserably slow though.
This problem can be explained in two words: DPS meters.
The retail product has taught players that being a good dps means that you’re blowing every cooldown on every pull just to be top of the meters, even in leveling dungeons.
Unfortunately this is not the case in Classic. In Classic a good dps knows when to strike hard, when to really lay it in, and when to hold back for the good of the group.
But as long as there’s some guy in there with the meters running—and there always will be—the rest of the DPS will feel like they’re competing against each other instead of all working together.
It’s not fun to not press your buttons. Thats why people hit multishot as much as possible on aoe packs. It doesn’t have anything to do with dps meters.
But tanks, especially druid tanks, can’t keep aoe threat so a good dps knows to not press their buttons despite it not being as fun. Its a flaw in classic design over anything else.
Why have taunt when Paladins can just heal/buff themselves with righteous fury up and aggro everything in a 10 mile radius
Tanks swaps and cast time while tanking is not ideal.
Early dungeon mobs hit like paper.
Starting around Ulda they start deleting clothies who aren’t careful.
If these forums are not already an indicator why people don’t want to tank imagine what it’s like in world.
Solo questing prot is miserably slow though.
I guess it depends on the individual. I’m leveling prot on purpose and I don’t hate it. Its definitely slower than most but Im not in any kind of a rush nor did I have any kind of expectations - I just wanted to see what its like.
When Classic launched I knew a warrior that leveled to 60 as full prot with a 1H and shield and in defensive stance the whole time. Im not that crazy but it has been entertaining enough for me to see it through.
Tanks are always in demand and I wanna see how pugging with randoms goes as a sword and board prot warrior with a non meta race choice plays out.
Its definitely doable but I always felt like mobs just took to long to kill solo. Sure you barely take any dmg but prot spec only feels good with at least a dps buddy with you like a clothie. Rp as thier bodygaurd while questing together is pretty fun.