I get why people don't tank

It’s melee range only anyway, and it has a cooldown.


Prot pala is my favorite vanilla dungeon tank to play, legit. There are ways to compensate for the lack of taunt in dungeons.


I’ve been noticing in dungeons that even as the healer I’m the only one actually watching my threat. I don’t know if people just don’t know that it’s a thing or forgot about it.

I got a little threat meter that came with Details and I’m popping Fade when I see my threat getting high and only attacking the same mob as the tank and such.

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Just tell DPS to behave, follow the tank, wait for aggro, and target what the tank targets.

Immature/unwillful DPS have to learn the game too.

Otherwise, just move on to a group with DPS that will act appropriately.

It’s not like they can pick and choose, nah, they’re in your court lol.

They’re gonna be waiting for hours to merely play the game if they don’t cooperate.

There’s a hierarchy and DPS are the lowest on that ladder.


this stresses out the healers because they’ll try to keep everyone up and if they fail and let a dps die, they’ll blame you. they’ll also go oom every single pull
you just gotta get used to the fact that in dungeons until you’re grinding out pre-bis you’re basically a tard wrangler for moronic dps


classic aoe tanking is awful don’t blame people

This is really the advice right here. Welcome to Classic 2019, everybody plays it like its retail while screaming for #nochanges :smiley:

In all seriousness though, DPS can take a hit or two. I usually mark one with a skull for DPS to kill hit it with one thing, then ignore it. I’ll get the rest on me and try to hold aggro on them. If DPS pull that too, the healer can yell at them.


I mean healers need to learn same lesson. If DPS pulls they get to die.


everyone works it out the closer to 60 you get where most elites will chunk your hp if you aren’t a warrior in d stance. and a lot of those players who blow their load before a single sunder rarely make it to 60 anyway
in deadmines most people just straight up leave the group if you start trying to lecture everyone

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This. Stupidity deserves to hurt. It can be expensive too if they dont learn.


This. It’s part of a dps’s job to watch threat, even in easy content. Whether that means just giving the tank a second to get threat or actively watching a meter is whatever, but yeah. Protect your healer, that’s who keeps you up lol.


This may be the single greatest response I’ve ever seen

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Rage gen while leveling is significantly higher if something is hitting you

DPS job is to stay alive and do dmg, if the mob won’t kill them and the tank moves slow they can just start hitting mobs.

Until raids a rogue / hunter pet can tank almost all the content

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Sure and if you can stay alive, that’s great, I get that it’s doable and I’m not trying to say no dps should just have fun in low level runs. But if you pull threat or just pull and die don’t blame the tank and healer. If we ignore mechanics and roles and die it’s on us.

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I typically go straight into Holy for Consc at 20 then do DM.

I just tanked RFC as enhancement Shaman and just prioritized all Agi/Stam gear lol

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Of course not, espeically not if pushing the pump.

But that’s totally acceptable for them to do.

I’ve healed plenty of dungeons in which DPS take more damage than the tank xD

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i was healing an Uldaman today.

the level 40 gnome warlock made sure to begin every pull at 1% hp from mana tapping.

the tank and mage and hunter were doing large pulls and aoe stuff. Very small windows to drink. Looting out of the question.

if here and there the gnome warlock happened to take one in the mouth as the tank was setting up a pull and needed my attention… so be it. no hard feelings.

we cleared.

As a warlock, I stack intellect and stamina, dotting every single mob that has been aggro’d, before wanding them. I usually attain 30% of the aggro, but survive with ease, due to my char’s stamina.