I get maintaining the classic feel, but give Prot Paladins a Taunt

Only one tank? Druids are great tanks. Especially in dungeons when farming bis gear. Iirc they can get somewhere upwards of 80% physical resistance with good gear. Their problem always was crushing blows which warriors negated with shield block and you still had to be a damn good warrior to make sure you kept it up


Yes I realize they are viable in dungeons so are paladins… I actually love paladins as a mage because they are so hard to rip threat from with the proper setup. I only say they can’t be a main tank when warriors offer so much more

Blizzard can’t solve the most concerning problem with paladins tanking, changes or no changes, which based on this thread is non-paladins declaring what they can or can’t do.

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Again, this isn’t really true. Feral is very flexible and played properly can out-threat a Warrior until that Warrior has TF. Feral is also a great OT purely because it provides much higher DPS than an OT Warrior (or Paladin) when it swaps to cat.

While they’re at it, can they also add a normal rez to druids?


Any Paladin that claims they can raid tank as good or better (or even remotely close) as a Druid or especially Warrior is delusional.


I have tank friends that actually get angry when I invite druids to dungeons it’s quite sad

Don’t Paladin Tanks go OOM quick?

Yes. I was discussing how to prevent that and they were suggesting that the druid healers - multiple - innervate them.

Innervate them.

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Yeah, I’ve had two dps die and then they had to /roll to see who would get the 30-minute brez (used as a normal rez) and the other person had to run back.

Kinda sad.

Pally’s don’t need a taunt, they’re excellent tanks, for about 3 seconds until someone gets a crit and you can’t pull it back off them.

The other thing is, a taunt being added won’t solve the numerous other aspects that make pally’s a less attractive option for tanking raids. No one wants to wait 30 seconds for you to refill your mana bar between EVERY pull either.

It’s a consideration. There are solutions, though. Won’t necessarily find them on a website, though. Might have to experiment, coordinate, things like that.

Yes, by making the raid build around you. Which is a horrendous idea. You’ll still have threat issues and the DPS will have to twiddle their thumbs.

If someone pulls aggro from a prot paladin, a BoP will pull it back. That said, it’s DPS problem to control its aggro. Not sure if you play Classic, but most people seem to run DPS meters while few use threat meters.

Forcing DPS to hold back even more because you can’t put out enough threat is a bad idea and slows down runs and raids even more. Our Warrior tanks and Druid tanks don’t seem to have that much issue letting DPS go hard after a short wait.

This isn’t retail and all classes and specs aren’t created equal. You will never be a main tank. You most likely won’t ever be a dungeon tank either because you will run out of mana trying to maintain threat against any Warrior or Druid worth their salt


“Slowing down a raid” is an odd concern when raid bosses are dropping in minutes.

Not if the DPS are forced to hold back because the Paladin can’t generate enough threat.

Like I said, I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing in the game for the past two months and for the past 15 years.

You keep doing…well, I mean you don’t have paladins so not sure what you will do other than complain about paladins not being able to tank.

Literally no one here is complaining about paladins being unable to tank - the only person even remotely saying anything other than, “paladins can’t raid tank” is you claiming they’re the best - when they’re by far the worst.