I get all of these people telling me I won't like classic

Because it takes time to travel to dungeons.
Because there’s only 1 graveyard/flightpath per zone/
Because there’s no mounts until 40/
Because you can only pull a few things without dying.
Because leveling takes a long time.
Because “certain specs don’t work at endgame”.
Because dungeons can take more than an hour to complete.
Because you have to enchant all of your gear.
Because raiding requires a lot of prep time beforehand.
Because if you don’t raid Molten Core, you can’t do Blackwing Lair.
Because you have to put in a certain amount of social interaction to get anything done.

I’ve had so many people, over the last three years since Nostalrius brought up the Classic discussion, list off reason after reason as to why they wouldn’t like Classic, and therefore why it will fail. I have his only one real point to make-

Why do you care so much for what I would find fun? Aside from the few things on that list that simply aren’t true (Yea you won’t see a ret paladin or a feral druid in BWL, but I’d never turn one down in a dungeon or a battleground: Who’s gonna pass up a brez or offhealing?), most of these points are positive to me. The world feels bigger and more dangerous, and more entertaining.

From 2005-2010 on my old server I was known as that guy who ran lowbies through Deadmines. Sometimes I would log in and get whispers pretty quickly. Maybe that sounds frustrating or annoying to a lot of people (maybe you), but to me I felt important. I was known, and its one of the things I’m looking forward to the most when Classic comes out again. When Dungeonfinder came out I was honestly kind of sad, because running lowbies through dungeons was the main reason I played this game. My first Molten Core was because some of the friends I made through VC or Stockades or even a few Gnomeregan carries decided to repay me once they hit 60.

All of those friends are gone now.

There are some major differences, and there’ll be plenty of people who don’t like it, who say “It was good for its time, but-” but I know I’m gonna have fun. I know my friends are gonna have fun. Maybe you won’t like Classic, and that’s okay. You don’t have to. We could be friends either way.

I hope some of you agree.


My concern is that it will start to get boring after a while. Classic’s content is fixed. There are no content patches coming. In other words, you will inevitably run out of stuff to do.


Yeah I’ll get bored of it eventually. I’d definitely get bored of playing it as much as I used to back then even though that’s impossible with work, life and retail WoW getting in the way of how things were for me when I was still 19. Thing is, it’ll take a long time because after the initial rush of playing it for a couple of weeks, it will lose the flair and rush of nostalgia and just be a “I’m bored of WoW right now, time to hit X” kind of thing, same way other games are for me.

There’s lots of very long and very dull content droughts in WoW that will be perfect chances for playing Classic for a couple of weeks worth of binging. I think that’ll be a fairly common thing for people.

I’m looking forward to classic and I will have fun playing it. Nothing any one can say will change my mind.


Because misery loves company, and since they are unhappy themselves they are angry when others are having fun. And we’re going to have an absolute blast in classic regardless. See you in Azeroth!


The legacy server buisness model is just getting started with classic. Vanilla to wotlk could easily support 10 years of legacy game play. Even if 1 million people sub legacy worldwide for 10 years at $15 a month thats $150 million off of recycled content. Many people did not get to play the first 3 wow xpacs and would like to experience them in the true form. I would be positive that Blizzard has discussed this internally.


Don’t concern yourself with what other think. I think the term ‘You don’t pay for my sub’ comes in play.

I’m looking forward to classic. I enjoyed being known as a druid healer that could be brought on runs. People trusted me through low level dungeons to the point they helped me level as pure resto so I could help them in UBRS, Scholo, and even in to Molten Core.

If Classic doesn’t come out with new content, that’s fine with me. Classic is not something I’m going to rush to max level on. I’m going to take my time this round and enjoy the lore, the grind, and get back in to PVP.


The game will get boring after a while, but I also won’t be playing it like I used to. I would probably clock in about 40 hours a week easily back in 2005-2008. These days I’ll be 10-15 hours per week.

At this rate I’m hoping to have a main hit 60 within 3 months of release (I think my vanilla 60s were reached at 7 days played) and then alternate between an alt, pvp, and raids.

I feel like I have more interests now to distribute my time so there shouldn’t be as much WoW burnout.


Those eould probably be the modern style players who don’t like a good old dnd style game


There is an endgame you will reach. But, you know this going into it and hopefully take your time so you have plenty of time to enjoy it.


A full list of reasons to play classic!

I can hardly wait for summer 2019! -Lets just hope they aren’t talking about the end of summer


When they say summer i hope they mean June 21st lol, but since its 1.12 they are releasing it could be on its anniversary of Aug 26th 2006 yikes!!!


It will last for as long as it will last.
Some will go and clear Naxx, other will quit at level 30.
To each his own.

Lets start playing :wink:


Ikr. Some of us are counting on a early summer release before college classes start up again. We can only hope at this point in time.


Classic all the way!! :smiley:


All wonderful reasons to look forward to Classic! You and I and so many others are all anxiously awaiting to revisit an old, dear, and much-missed friend. You’re definitely not alone!

Wonderful post!


Didn’t I tell you that you wouldn’t enjoy Classic? Don’t make me tell you again.


You need to bring that to GD. You’re literally preaching to the choir here.

There’s at least a dozen there that have spent 5% of their lives in every classic thread they could find to explain why it will never happen. That’s a hell of an investment to suddenly go sour on them like that.


i’m looking forward to seeing night elves back to their old selves, to gnomes running like small adults again instead of toddlers, to humans having faces full of personality, to talent trees that let me experiment in a meaningful way with my chosen class, to the rpg aspects, to the resurrection of:

-functional professions
-feeding my pets
-pet selection making a difference
-buying portal stones on my mage
-the return of stackable buffs
-running others thru dungeons
-old scholomance
-old sunken temple
-even old scarlet monastery
-community features
-cc-ing in dungeons
etc etc ETC!

it can’t get here fast enough! i’m hyped!


For all the reasons Hyperspace listed and many more I can’t wait for classic!

The biggest plus of classic for me is NEVER losing my progress, never having an expansion or gear reset , pvp was actually fun, I can find infinite things to do endgame besides raiding, and if I ever do run out, I can make an alt, SEVEN more times. :slight_smile: