I gave the LFG tool a shot

Short version.
It’s garbage. Bring back RDF.

The long version
It really is garbage and you should really bring RDF so we are not fighting the tool for correct roles and waiting hours for a group. It’s a video game. I would like to do the contents within your video game. Me spamming “LFG/LFM” isn’t content.


Is it perfect? No. But does it get the job done in a serviceable way? Yeah, I would say so.

This will likely be fixed before Wrath comes out.

I just want to say if anybody need a tank, the LFG tool seems very confident that my rogue is one.


There is a role selection on the top right

The new version does feel clunky. I never played retail and I assume it is similar, but looking at it for the first time I feel turned off. Listing yourself is fine, but looking at the LFM screen stinks imo.

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Which I’ve set to damage about 6 times now.

The LFG tool insists that I am, in fact, a tank.


It changes all the time. They claim to have fixed it
but it’s still changes when you log out or go to different zones.


I saw a hunter q’d up as a tank, which was something they were correcting. It seems bugged. But I don’t really have a frame of reference.

Better hope evasion is off CD….

Yeah its just a bad tool. I don’t know how a company as big as Blizzard could look at that thing and be happy or proud in anyway. Sadly its probably better if they just left us with NOTHING then with that. Why they chopped out a beloved system for it is just insanity.

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It is 3/10ths of a step up from plain LFG chat and 0/10ths of a step up from the add-on the community already had access to. Ok, actually it’s a step down from that.

Serviceable doesn’t mean jack, and it’s going to mean less and less jack as time passes. Eventually it’s outright going to mean Timothy and that guy hates letting people actually run dungeons while leveling, or access capped dungeons in any reasonable time-frame, that the majority have long-since stopped spamming.


I keep having to tell people this and I’m not sure how people keep missing it, but you change your designated role in the talent tree top right corner. Once you set it, it will show up correctly in the lfg tool. It’s not up to the party leader, everyone has have their own role correctly selected. It’s really not hard.

Once the bugs are fixed, I’d say it works fine for what it tries to accomplish. At least in this stage of the game…

I do think the insufficiencies will really start to show around T2/3. A lot of people will struggle to find groups.

We can’t make a fair assessment of this tool’s long term viability right now. The prepatch is a unique span of time that only exists for a very short time.

I’m going in with an honest effort to make it work. We’ll check back in a few months and see…

Even the talent role selection is wonky and tends to reset. Been like that since the beta.

Honestly the LFG tool is working for me basically the same way that RDF would.

I list myself and go about my questing, and then after a while, someone whispers me asking me to do a dungeon.

Yeah it was wonky for me when I first used it, because my role did reset on its own. Then I discovered you have to set your role in each talent tree that you have invested points into. I put 5 points into resto (set my role as healer) and then the rest of my points into enchantment which caused it to reset to tank role. I then set my role back to healer in that talent tree and it hasn’t played up since.

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Interesting, I’ll give that a shot. Thanks!

Np. Hope it helped :smiley:

Sounds tedious. If you had friends it might not take so long to find a group? Maybe theres a way to skip past that tedium, right now?

Needs major improvements if they’re not going to give us the tool. So ridiculous!