I gave the LFG tool a shot

I am actually starting to get use out of it… I mean, it needs a lot of work, like serious amounts of work…

LFG needs the following.

  1. Level specific chat filtering; what I mean is if say you’re level 47 you should only see adverts for dungeons and groups within your level range.
  2. Level specific filtering on the “Finder” utility, meaning level 70’s arent going to join your Ramps group and sour the XP gains.
  3. The Finder tool needs to also provide filters so you can be specific about the classes or specs you want to bring, perhaps a way to put up your group options with a toggle, and then the finder fills it for you.

Then the finder will perform a ready check automatically to make sure people are not AFK and then you can get too the dungeon.

Saw a warlock in as a tank. Eh, I didn’t mind as long as I could get a group with other folks my level. Never did. Don’t have hours to wait for this garbage trying to find a group.


forreal it does, its incredible how bad the tool is rn, they need to take much more from the tool in retail.

Idk what server youre on, but most servers are popping right now. youre not waiting “hours” for anything.

That would actually be serviceable, but the thing they gave us is just… really lacking.

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You can sign up for dungeons you cant walk into.

its absolutely beyond rediculous.

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Yup its stupid,., that’s why they need to supply level filtering, some forced some selective by the player trying to form the group.

Also want level specific chat filters so I don’t need to see max level stuff while on low level characters, or the inverse.

they do! the filtering is wrong tho! you cant zone in to Durnholde at 64, but you can sign up for groups at 64! its stupid

They should also limit roles to things your class could viably do. Ive seen plenty of rets heal. or Arms Tanks. but never a tank priest or a healer warlock.

its almost like blizzard UI team members failed logic class…spectacularly.

I just want the tool to upgrade level ranges in real time. Twice today I’ve been asked why I’m not the proper level. Open up the tool and it says “Paladin Level 35” when I’m 38.

It’s really not garbage though. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being great, i’d say it’s a solid 6.

A lot of people have mentioned this, but I’m not sure what the issue being experienced is. I have seen the wrong role here or there, but clicking the Role Check button seems to sort it out. I don’t think I’ve ever had any issues after doing that.

Perhaps I’m missing what’s happening though. Can anyone give repeatable steps that seem to reproduce the bug consistenly?

what’s rdf?

RDF isn’t coming back. Move on

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Define “popping”

At the very least just use the retail LFG instead of this garbage. There’s nothing social about the current tool. You’d be as likely to find friends and continue grouping with them just as much as you would or wouldn’t with RDF.

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