Now we can enjoy wow on a different level.
I think they meant more store stuff. I hope at least.
Where are you sourcing this comment from, please?
I warned you all
I personally don’t care i’ll still buy whatever happens, I only pointed out what others may not like
iirc there was some line about “more premium content is on the way for the warcraft franchise!” in the quarterly report
which could just mean quality content, or - as many people have interpreted it - microtransactions.
Starting with the WoW mobile games under devleopment.
The problem with “Premium Content” is that the phrase is read as paid for content.
And that both should and will kill WoW.
Premium “of exceptional quality or greater value than others of its kind; superior”
They literally could just be calling what they make better than other games, or just very good. People will flip out over anything.
In our Warcraft franchise, we intend to deliver more frequent premium content to sustain and expand the World of Warcraft community and we’ve made multiple mobile free-to-play Warcraft experiences and they’re now in advanced development, based on our franchise’s beloved IP. This will create opportunities for both existing players and new fans to experience the Warcraft universe in entirely new ways.
pretty much this.
Still, it’s never a bad idea to express that we don’t want an overabundance of microtransactions just in case.
We have no CONTEXT.
Premium content usually means paid for content.
In this case, what do they mean by premium content?
They specifically didn’t tell us…
But let’s freak out anyway! Woooo!
I used to pay $79 a month for a text-only RPG because I got Platinum access and was given a lot of special treatment other players didn’t get.
I loved it.
I would gladly pay the same amount for similar perks in WoW.
in Minecraft, especially the Bedrock edition, they have premium maps/skins they sell in the marketplace for Minecraft gold, you can buy bundles of gold for $$$
you’ll learn the hard way eventually
we pay a monthly sub for wow therefore it’s premium, it could just be referring to additional content in wow.
not trying to say it’s definitively benign, but I think it’s worth looking at with caution instead of panic.
That’s usually how the WoW forums go.
Great, so they choose to drive even MORE customers away?
And they were starting to do so well, too…
no, this is more of people being gullible, thinking Microsoft were the heroes and angels for WoW
when more info comes out, the complaints will make Mage Tower and the Lawsuit threads look like saints in compared to whats coming
Do you please have some links to current Microsoft projects that might better illustrate this take?
If they actually give us more fun/lore content I am willing to pay. This will all depend on what said “premium content” refers to.