I for one welcome a platinum membership

We already pay

Premium content is just Sylvanas’ Onlyfans channel.


Remember that one time she shot Saurfang in the chest with Jailer magic and then flew off into the sunset like Superman? That was lit.

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Could mean anything. Mobile Pet Battles, Mobile Warcraft RTS, so not going to worry about what I don’t have any info on.

WoW is saved! Woohoo! :confetti_ball:

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We have technically been paying less and less(thanks to inflation) I am not blind to how this works. Ideally it will be More money=a bigger budget=more content. As long as they dont nickel and dime us I think it can be beneficial

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I’d pay for better support access. Like same day answer of tickets. Pretty please :heart_eyes_cat:

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I’d pay a premium subscription if I could summon world bosses in major cities any time I wanted.

The ball is in your court, Blizz.

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This is where it’s interesting and not a scare technique .“sustain” meaning it wouldn’t change but support the content and “expand” meaning more verity which is good for everyone.

I’d definitely play a mobile pet battle game

Here, blizzard take my money

I have to see details of what they have planned. We’ll see I guess.

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Assuming they don’t just pocket the money

I would pay a $20 sub, instead of $15, if it got me into alpha/betas and gave me the store mounts for free (as long as I had the premium sub for the past 6 months when they come out).

However, I would want them to remove the WoW Token and just put a game time token on a vendor in game so it removes the pay to win completely from the game.

I hope you are right. It is a vague statement that could mean a number of things.

I wouldn’t mind a sub increase to 20 but they’ll have to prove it is worth the money.

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Gemstone III?

Platinum access probably gets you two free carries from the official Microsoft/Blizzard boost team.

It’s Gemstone IV now! :expressionless:

Or was last I looked. Maybe they’re up to 5 by now :smiley:

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Well we know one of them will be a wow mobile pokemon rip off and that’s fine. Of course, I won’t be playing It since I don’t play games with ads in them.

It’s good or see this thread is staying civil and mature! :slightly_smiling_face:

A green came into mine to accuse me of stuff and suddenly I’m the worst person in the world and my thread got ruined. So at least this one is still a good conversation! Keep it going y’all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: