I finally did it! I Quit!

What are toe swells!? And why does this happen?

i just buy the 0 calorie stuff, tastes just as good to me

Haven’t had an alcoholic drink in almost two years now. When the family moved recently, we gave the contents of our bar to friends. Almost $2000 worth of wine and alcohol.


This thread is for obtainable goals :smiley:

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I quit my grinding my teeth when I am stressed. It’s been so much easier on my dental bills :raised_hands:t2:


I’ve been soda free for 12+ years after kidney stones and other urinary issues. I used to kill a 12 pack of root beer while gaming for 18 hours.

Also, my teeth thank me.

:ocean: :mountain: :ocean: :cup_with_straw: :ocean: :mountain: :ocean: :cup_with_straw:


I can’t even drink more than 1 soda


I quit giving up on things.

Seriously though, I went from 12 cans of soda a day to 1-2 McDonald’s Cokes a week. Pretty good way to lose weight and help your liver.

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Now quitting fast food that’s something else entirely that’s another goal I need to make.

I like Wendy’s salads too much and my husband likes their burgers. Don’t even get me started on the spicy chicken sandwich

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It is amazing to me: when weed became legal as recreation in my state: I stopped drinking booze! I thought I’d go through some jones via physical addiction after decades of beer and liquor: but no. Never even thought that could be possible.


Drink Diet Soda.

holy :poop: dude. i feel awful just drinking one a day, i’d probably vomit before i got near 12


I quit skoal a few months ago and it wasn’t bad at all after the first week.

My navy grandpa used to get so mad whenever I called it pop “I’ll give you a pop if you ask for one alright, but its not a drink”

…So I call it soda now (he was just kidding, he was very popeye the sailor man in personality lol)

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Keeping a positive outlook.


Visiting the foru- oh . . .

100% spot on.

Sugar and Vegetable seed oils are the two WORST things you can ingest. You may not feel it now or show signs of chronic inflammation now but you will inevitably start seeing them.

Insulin spikes anytime you ingest carbs, especially sugary “simple” carbs…and if you are always eating/drinking simple carbs you are always keeping Insulin high…chronic high insulin WILL most definitely lead to metabolic issues later on even if you don’t feel them now. and it’s a catch 22…when you spike blood sugar you spike insulin, but then blood sugar crashes down but insulin doesn’t fast enough which makes you hypoglycemic(the carb coma feeling), so your body instructs you to eat more(because it wants more blood sugar to get out of hypoglycemia)…and on and on the cycle repeats. Best way to get out of the cycle is HARD but do a couple day water fast…give insulin time to get to baseline and reset itself

← 45 yrs old, weightlift 5 days a week…NO sugars, NO vegetable seed oils, NO fast food, NO pre-packaged man made processed foods…eat REAL foods as nature intended(and how our bodies evolved to eat)…if man processed it, packaged it, and made it in a factory, it’s not made for your health, it’s made for their profit

Lean and mean 165lb machine…no illnesses, no chronic diseases, take no meds for anything, never get sick, not even a cold. I am confident I can out-do most guys half my age due to my lifestyle choices.

Would you fill a car tank with watered down gas? sure the tank will read “full” but if you do it won’t run right and will cause long term damage later on…what do you think will happen if you put “watered down gas” aka processed foods into your body?

Not knocking anyone, just educating.

Sugar and Vegetable Oils are what brought the US(and the developed world) to the situation it is in with the “O” epidemic

Edit to add disclaimer: If you choose to make major dietary changes, ESPECIALLY if you are on meds…talk to your doctor and let him know what you will be doing. He may need to lower your meds or take you off of them entirely(in time). IE, if you are on diabetic insulin and drop sugars/carbs from your diet to keep blood sugar lower but still take insluin prescribed by your doctor it can lead to BAD issues, like morbidly bad ones. Keep the doctor in the loop


taste like tonic water to me. tried all of it

I quit Caffeine after being hooked for 9 years. People might laugh, but that stuff makes you feel awful. The taste of the Coke is the only upside, and it’s fleeting

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This was many moons before energy drinks were a thing. But yeah, I would drink them all day. Not proud of my past addiction

:ocean: :mountain: :ocean: :cup_with_straw::ocean: :mountain: :ocean: :cup_with_straw:

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