I figured out what WoW is missing


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Whatever you have to tell yourself to keep you going in the morning.

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Well other people tell me too that helps a lot :grin:

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Haha, that idea definitely adds a whole new level of fun to World of Warcraft! A playable race of primates would be wild! Just imagine the chaos of a raid group made up of gorilla tanks and chimpanzee warlocks flinging… unconventional spells. And the epic mount—sliding around on a giant banana peel? Now that’s a ride with style!

But hey, maybe there’s still hope. Who knows, maybe Blizzard will surprise us with a monkey race expansion someday. Until then, we’ll just have to keep imagining the ultimate monkey business in Azeroth! :gorilla::banana::video_game:

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Hozen are horrid little guys. Basically mammalian murlocs. I don’t hate the idea of a monkey race though. Sun Wukong style!

Void elves should never of been a thing either if we’re talking races who shouldn’t exist. If they didn’t exist you alliance may of gotten your blonde hair blue eyes high elves you’ve been crying about wanting despite them having been in the game since BC calling themselves Blood elves

Say no to drugs.

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You mean Hozen?

You Mean Hozen yes… Hozen we need Hozen.

So Hozen.

If I wanted to play an addled-minded primate I’d roll a hooman.

You already have humans which are hairless apes.

WE NEED tel’abim ingame asap, it’s a island near kalimdor that have been mentioned in classic but we still cant go there

the only hint of what is that island is…tel’abim banana

you know what it means

:nerd_face: they’re actually childrens of the titans, they were iron vrykuls that got affect by the curse of flesh

This game is too goofy already, if anything.


Of all the animals in the world monkeys are among my least favorite, so hard pass. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You know those mage tower appearances that guardian druids got?

Those look like gorillas to me. :joy:

Hey, now! All Kajamite products, including and not limited to testing and experiments, is protected under copyright law of Trade Price Gallywix.

Well said…

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i…i would only use this…like forever.

Canonically they don’t live long enough. A twenty year old Hozen is a very old monkey-thing.

Awesome. I’m in. Unleash the Kong-fu.