I figured out what WoW is missing

You know what World of Warcraft is really missing?

A playable race of banana-wielding, tree-swinging primates. Who wouldn’t want to raid Azeroth’s toughest dungeons as a silverback gorilla tank or fling poo at enemies as a chimpanzee warlock? Imagine the epic mount, a giant banana peel you slip and slide across the map on.

Now that’s the kind of monkey business WoW needs!

Instead? We get reskinned Dwarves…


Hmm. Might be possible with enough kajamite for a gorilla experiment. :robot::test_tube:

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There’s already a race ready-made to fulfill your wildest dreams, but blizzard are COWARDS and will never give us playable Hozen.


Ill never understand the want for playable hozen :joy:


Probably because they saw how well the evoker transmog restrictions were received by the community.

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I don’t know, Male Human Paladin wearing the banana set tends to fling enough poo as it is.

I can’t see the desire for playable Jinyu myself…who’d seriously want to walk around as a fish?


This reads like a thinly disguised plea for playable Hozen. Which I mean you do you. I’ve never understood the appeal of things like Hozen, Naga or Ogres. But if people got them I’d be happy for those that wanted it. The whole Gorilla thing just makes me think of Gorilla Grodd and Ultra-Humanite from DC Comics

Now that I think about it…

Blizzard fumbled the worgen so badly.

I cringe at the thought of them attempting a playable gorilla race. It’d be like watching a circus chimp code - entertaining, but ultimately disastrous. The worgen stand as a monument to missed potential in WoW, making even B-movie werewolves look good by comparison.

Add worgen at all was a fumble TBH. Neither worgen nor vulpira should have ever been added.

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We have people willingly playing as cows.

I dont think fish are off the table for this playerbase lol

in that same note monkeys wouldn’t be too far fetched either…but I’d still prefer Saberon or Sethrakk before we got Jinyu or Hozen

Just play a hunched back Orc. Close enough.

Still waiting on my playable Turtle race lol. Loved the Tortollans in BfA. We got fluffy panda who uses Kung-Fu (not sure if it’s actually Kung-Fu based persay, but you get it), now let’s get a Turtle that uses Bojutsu. We must finish “Kung-Fu Panda” lol.

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After the latest update it’s missing most of the pants that were previously being worn in the world.

Do you guys think my Clown Mog would look better sans the pants?

Playable two headed Ogres.

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But spacegoats are cool?

takes a look

You? Probably not.

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I’m made in your image.

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Yeah obviously what the heck?

Im a hot blue demon lady lmao i dont look like a goat

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