I feel the Horde needs a feel-good moment before SL ends

I admit it could have been written better to require less obvious deus-ex-machinas at a couple steps for the Alliance to have won, but at the end of the day you guys won a straight up fight against a fortified city where Sylvanas was using chemical weapons.

That’s another problem. There is a single thing the Forsaken is known for in warfare, and it’s blight. But for whatever reason, we forgot to bring countermeasures. How convinient.

You know what I would have preffered? If the Alliance simply stopped trying to take it’s walls because of the danger of blight, and just bombarded the Undercity to destroy it’s fortifications. In the process however, an artillery blast accidentally ignites azerite that was being stored there. Whole City goes up in smoke, along with most of it’s inhabitants. Boom, we’re now on roughly equal footing. Tone has been set. Instead we got what we got.


But that wouldn’t have hamfistedly lead-into shadowlands, now wouldn’t it?

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When did i say they never got their teeth kicked in? Im saying that if the Horde player base feels it still lacks justification against the Alliance, clearly it’s teeth weren’t kicked hard enough. Unless you’re telling me that the Horde doesn’t complain they lack justification against the Alliance.

They still could have done that. But they felt the need to deny the Alliance as much satisfaction as possible. Or atleast that’s how bfa felt.

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Alliance isn’t alone in that.

BFA sucked for everyone.


I know. But I would have greatly preffered for the Alliance to inflict a similar wound as Teldrassil, no matter how dark the act because then I wouldn’t feel like there was such a disrepancy in suffering. Not as great of a need for revenge. On a meta level the Horde lost more, I know that. So why on earth did they feel the need to on a story level try to make it seem like the Alliance lost more?

2 Horde cities fell tho. One before we even properly laid claim to it.

On a meta level. Story wise, the whole population of the Undercity got out fine, and Orgrimmar only had a single casulty. It’s this disrepancy in suffering between the two sides that really grinds my gears, and what makes the Alliance feel so weak.

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No, it’s because you refuse to recognize what the Horde actually lost. We lost 2 cities, an invaluable new leader in Rasta, our Warchief and High Overlord, the entire position of Warchief, and the head of our new council literally chills in Stormwind just in case Anduin needs his balls fluffed. The Alliance lost Teldrassil and…Brennadam I guess? Though I think you guys took that back too. You guys didn’t even lose f*cking Gelbin.


What 2 cities? If you aren’t counting Brennadam, Dazar’alor shouldn’t count either, since the Zadalari(and Horde) still own it.


Aight, that’s fair. One for one on cities then (or 2 for 2, whichever you prefer). Did the Alliance lose a single leadership position?

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And you don’t seem to understand that i would much have preffered if the Horde lost things in a different way, and that the Alliance won in a different way. Do you think Alliance players wanted Rastakhan dead? No, we had to kill him so that the Zandalari would have joined the Horde. That’s all we were during bfa. A plot device to further the Horde’s story. If you cut out Anduin during that final cinematic, nothing changes. Saurfang could ahve nicked Shalamayne when he broke out of prison. That’s how relevant we were to the expansion. And I despise it.

I would have preffered to, if we got to wound the Horde the same way they wounded us.

Which alliance leaders do you want dead, and which Horde cities do you want wiped out? They go hand in hand.

Gelbin was literally a raid boss.

me2fam. I like blood for blood stories. Unfortunately we didn’t get that, and a side effect is one side came out better than the other. Also unfortunately, it was the Horde getting the short end of the stick, again. The worst the Alliance can say is that they were bored and slightly miffed. The Horde was decimated.

YAH DOOD, getting a race genocided is no big deal. It’s whatevs


Man I wish. Then we wouldn’t have to deal with the whining.


I’d say seething with rage is a better description.

If you’re “seething” over being made to take the high road then imagine how those people having your boot placed on the back of their necks feel.


This thread is basically the Horde whining though.