I feel like who ever designed Horrific Visions doesn't play Shadow Priest

430 might be low, but that doesn’t change the fact that certain classes wreck visions, and certain specs fail miserably at them.

I don’t even know what 5 masks even means sorry. But my buddy is helping me do them. I’m just annoyed because my item level is higher than his and he boosted this lock and barely plays and he’s been carrying me through them. The actual mechanics are easy for me. I just am too freaking squishy it’s hell. But I got snippy with that guy because he offered zero constructive criticism and I freaking hate people like that.

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Also see: Siege of Boralus alliance trash, and Tol-Dagor.

Peak dungeon design right there.

In the beginning I had a hard time, gear is super important for SP. Also take things slower when you are learning them, yes lots of failures but you will learn which mobs to interrupt, the buffs you get from various places. Also pretty important is download the Weak Aura for Visions so you know which Potions to drink and the one to avoid. Some good guides out there. Bottom line get gear and take it slow and you will get them done.

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sarcasm aside. you came into a thread talking about visions are hard and what your ilvl is. you have no specifics as to build, rotations, or what your path was. playing the class better fits here lol

I kind of enjoy Visions for what they are, but they do have issues, and them being in cities is probably the biggest one.

Cities have a ton of weird LoS areas, obstructions and things to get caught on - 'cause they’re designed to be cool cities, not dungeons! It makes playing these things on a caster particularly frustrating.

Visions are a complete joke on all dps classes with gift of the titans and an ilv of around 450ish.

Another thing to note is at the beginning you bring drums, potions, flask, also the ghastly goulash food, you can eliminate these things the further down your tree you go but at the beginning all these things help, also what essences are you using because in the beginning Beam is good. But I would suggest looking at some guides too and there are quite a few for Shadow.

430 was enough on my dh to kill 1 side area and Thrall.

Visions are just a lot harder on most casters. The nerf helped but beasting them on a melee toon it just plain easier.

It’s intended for you to struggle until you are able to fully upgrade your cloak and research tree. Then it gets much easier after you complete those and become more familiar with the instances. Having a route planned out, quickly finding the potion that restores sanity, the buff food. There are ways to make it less painful. Keep upgrading your cloak and doing world bosses. You want to bump up your emissary rewards to 445. Then as you start doing full clears and mask runs, you can continue to build up your ilvl even more, which in turn will make subsequent clears even easier. No m+ required.

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Mythic + is not difficult though. Mythic dungeons vs mythic raiding is very different difficulties imo.

Mythic dungeons is basically old heroic dungeons.

I just did it for the first time on my 426 spriest today and i expected to fail the first time without the orbs, but surprisingly did not.

Still sucks though, you just can’t get the ramp up you need in there to do any significant damage.

When void form is dead and relegated to cooldown status, i shall dance on its grave.

Sure, but that does not hide the fact that they really show whats missing with certain class designs.

Get to 435 any way you can. Then do WQs to get 445 gear. 445ish is much easy. Get your cloak up as soon as you can.

The mid level cloak levels were the worst as you didnt know much and had to do more… Get help if you need it esp at first. And READ the Wowhead guide so you understand potions, crystals, layouts, cloak progression, et. Best 20 mins you can spend.

Now if I just had a use for my 4 million visions (5 solid days of no mask clears by my estimate). I struggle to do my 14 a week. Got 6 guys the full tree achievement this week because I was bored. Now I am burned out again :slight_smile:

Definitely need better gear.

It’s OK. Mythic plus is one way to go, sure. But, I don’t do them either, and I have been naturally hitting an ilvl of 455-465 on all my toons, via leveling up the cloak and neck, 445 WQ rewards, the 460 Heroic Darkshore piece, and then vision rewards.

You can hit 460 no problem without ever touching a mythic plus or a raid of any kind.

Also worth it to note:

Visions aren’t the kind of content you beat by going through just a few times. You are supposed to start out the first five times just going straight for the boss. After that you will do one easy side, then two easy zones, then one hard zone, then two hard zones, then you’ll at some point be able to get all four zones plus the boss.

You need to work on your Titanic research, because the things you unlock there will make your runs far longer.

Learn what the potions do and how to recognize the good from bad. Learn where the buff enemies are that will give you a combat bonus when killed.

Collect the odd crystals and turn them in to the NPC for more mementos, thereby finishing up your Titanic research faster.

Learn the boss mechanics. It’s more or less adds>boss straight across the board, but you’ll also need to know when to move, when to interrupt, etc.

With all of the above knowledge, I’m generally able to 5-mask a vision on any class, Shadow Priest included, when they hit about a 460 ilvl. Interestingly enough, it’s always around my 30th run too.

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