I feel like who ever designed Horrific Visions doesn't play Shadow Priest

I did a 5 mask with a guildie the other day. He is a BM hunter. It actually made me sad seeing how easily he walked through it.


BM is the easiest for Visions, it does make it frustrating when you’re struggling on another class knowing how easy it can be. :grimacing:

part of it is shadow is one of the biggest “you have to be this geared to feel good” type specs at the moment.

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Yea, I’m using all my tricks. I’m not blinking and my eyes are tearing up trying to avoid stuff. Spend the bulk of my time just running around or not moving for mechanics. Can’t even attack anything the majority of the time.

He just stands there and pewpew win. If we do another one together I’m just gonna pick up crystals and place bombs or whatever the whole time. I’d be more effective.


Shadow is rough…I can 4 mask it, but as soon as I add long night its… :-1:

Whoever designed Horrific Visions didn’t give a *&^% about the solo player.

My friend just helped me get to rank 5 I think. He had like 90k of those currency things.

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To be fair, not even shadow priests are playing shadow priests right now.

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Got to rank 6 and I don’t have anymore of the items to do it. Still can’t solo it but at least I can do it with help.

If you think blizZard plays their own game you are in for a biiiiiiiiiig surprise.

The fact that the shadow priest community had to circle the wagons and provide concise feedback consistently for many, many years tells it all doesn’t it!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

play shadow priest better

Gets easier with gear, and research.

Also, using consumables like the food that gives you % regenerating Health per second while in visions.

Vision difficulty varies wildly between different classes and specs. On my BM Hunter the biggest challenge was deciding which direction to roll my face across the keyboard.

Left to right, or right to left? Big decisions.

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Send me some in game mail. I’m on Zuljin. I’ll help you finish a couple 5 masks :slight_smile: no charge

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I feel like who ever designed Horrific Visions doesn’t play wow

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Step 1: Make solo content and tie mounts and achievements to it.
Step 2: Make having interrupts a crucial part of the content.
Step 3: Forget that there are multiple classes and specs who don’t have those tools.
Step 4: Remove the prizes to exploit FOMO.
Step 5: ???
Step 6: Profit.

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Think they do, but just DH.

The issue is that the first one is intended to hit you like a truck. They will get better after a while, and then after you get all your research done and figure out your consumables, they will be faceroll.

I’m not sure why they design game mechanics for the purpose of making people feel really bad about the game. Only a few will be inspired by that. Many more just say screw this and stop.

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Thanks for that compelling feedback. I like how the first paragraph was about what I was doing wrong and you backed it up the second half with constructive feedback on how I can better myself as a player. I’m so glad we have people like you in the community helping players get a grasp of how they should be doing things :expressionless:


M8 i ve done them on

Arcane mage
MM hunter
assa rogue

They are always a joke once you get 15 cloak and full upgrades, yeah they are definitely more annoying as boomie/spriest but still easy

Oh wait you are not whining about how they are hard on x class, yeah gear is your issue, 430 is still doable but it is actually hard and you need to do everything well, unsure about 5mask on 430 since im always around 460 by the time i do 5masks