I feel like blizz did Dracthyr dirty

I would have been happier with no mog showing on drach form and just leaving it all in barber shop.

Now I’m limited in my Tmog options on visage form because of it partially showing in drach form.

I can accept there being limited Tmog options on drach form but their class set should 100% open more barbershop options though.

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I think part of the problem with the mogs is that Blizzard basically trapped themselves into a corner. The only decent way to be able to transmog proper armour at this point would be to let you change both forms separately, and they are unlikely do so that. :frowning:

Its tricky to find good xmog looks for both forms that kind of match.

Here is what I came up with:


That’s a good try

My very thick tinfoil hat theory is that dracthyr weren’t originally envisioned as a race, but rather a shapeshift form, similar to DH meta, but for the evoker class, then it was only later after they realized how much effort adding visage customization to every race would be that it was spun off into its own race instead.

do In have any evidence? absolutely not. This is all just me making stuff up on the fly, but designing a race that can’t use transmog is weird.

They made the dragon model gender neutral and even the males can look feminine but there is no honestly bulky model option. All transmog is bound to their visage which feels wrong being forcibly bound to only elf boy or human girl, of which seem to have been worked on more than the dracthyr’s true dragon form. They never gave us the green starting dracthyr armor’s shoulders or belt so that set is forever incomplete. Yeah no it really does seem like dracthyr were the last thing they worked on outside of the expansion itself as they feel rushed. Worse they’re being done dirty as the NPC dracthyr can fly with their wings and not a mount but player dracthyr get a dumbed down version of dragon riding in their soar ability which never gets updated outside of a brake move. It was the new race they hyped up and they gave us a rushed mess… so yeah the got done dirty


Just a shame really because they could have been so much more

microsoft isn’t going to change anything. everyone on these forums who think microsoft is gonna come in here all knight in shining armor and change the game to whatever they want is drinking the copedrink hard. if it’s making money THEY DON’T CARE. the most theyll likely do is probably consolidate a few high level positions to save money and maybe shake up a couple exec positions but thats about it as long as the product is chugging along. they aren’t gonna come and go OMG DRACTHYR NEED TRANSMOG OPTIONS STAT PEOPLE, or go OMG ION IS RUINING THE GAME QUICK HIRE A NEW LEAD DEV!


Im sure they said thats how it would work in the early days of the announcement of Dragonflight

I’m going to be a little negative here but i will agree. Microsoft isn’t going to save WoW. Especially since WoW basically has it’s own team. They’re basically independent.

If someone is going to save WoW, it’s going to be the WoW team themselves. They are either going to listen and change for the better or they are going to let WoW burn due to their own greed and laziness

If I could not be the ugly Lizard thing, like ever, I might like them a teeeeny tiny bit more but even their classes are hot trash - have not tried the new support spec - but I’d assume it is as clunky and boring as the other 2 specs they got. Just wish we could pick our own visage, fly indef and you know, look more like a dragon not this gecko tumblr fandom bs.

There is absolutely no reason why worgen could have useable transmog but dracthyr can’t. Only slots I see being a problem are cloaks which should be disabled and boots can be cut like trolls/tauren. You can Argue helmets will fit weird but worgen have similar shaped head and its fine on them even though it looks goofy.


I completely agree here. Dracthyr almost use the same skeletons, but worgens basically have full transmog availability

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Moreover dragon visages are convincing. When nozdormu uses his visage you’re staring at a high elf. When my dracthyr uses his, you’re staring at a thing with ashes on its face, weird eyes, elf ears, weird hair and horns. It’s tacky and makes no sense. Dragons learned and started using visage forms to interact with the mortal races because a gigantic blue dragon is gonna scare the townsfolk. But a dracthyr visage scares ME


if you see who designed dracthyr it all makes sense


they could of been amazing but they were rushed. I mean when i heard the idea of dragon characters I thought “Oh nice I can make a dragon person with a pandaren or vulpera visage” but then they revealed you could only pick the ugly elf boy or uglier human girl and then they force feed you that line of “A visage is how you see yourself” when dracthyr never had any real choice in visage… yeah no it was poorly done

Oh no say it isn’t so… Blizzard rushed a race? Never they could never do such a thing they take full time and effort on every race they ever make… Said no one ever. Have you seen what races they rushed and it shows. Worgen and Dracthyr. Its a bit of a shame.

If you wear/mog the wrong belt (or maybe just if you don’t hide the belt): your loincloth disappears, and you’re running around like Winnie-the-Pooh in dracthyr form. :dizzy_face:

They’ve done some solid work like the incubus and new Worgen models

Ehh I’m fine with being naked in dracthyr form, i just with they made their tier sets actually for their entire body like they told us in concept

There’s a lot wrong with Dracthyr, for me - but the mog issues and the class-lock are the worst offenders, and why I don’t play mine that much.

It’d be nice to eventually be able to separately mog visage and dragon forms, or at least have the ability to turn on/off shoulders and belt display on the dragon half. I hate making a good mog on my visage form, only for it to clash awfully with the armor I put on them in character creation while in dragon form. So I basically have to choose which form to stay in outside of combat, which feels kind of against the spirit of having a button to freely shift between them.

Though, at this point I’d take class unlocks over mog fixes. I just want to make more than one drac per server, and actually be a warrior - not a bad mid-range mage with dragon flavoring. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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