With the dragon form, mogging them is very limited and weird
If you don’t have armor on that you get from your creation screen or barber shop. You will only see your shoulders and belt.
If you do have on the armor on, you can mix and match, but congratz, you are now limited with colors.
It’s really a shame because when they can be other classes, they won’t be able to use hardly anything including stuff basically themed after them in the dragon isles.
It feels like Blizz didn’t really think about their mogs through.
Dracthyr tier should unlock barbershop customization. Imagine if the elite/mythic set let you have a shadowflame aura? Would have been sick.
I don’t think they’ll fix that stuff any time soon
It will take a bit, but I see a definite path for more customizations being added.
Assuming they get opened up to other classes, a large portion will race change due to how OP the racials will be. Once a large enough base is dracthyr, their combined complaints will push for more customizations.
Evoker would have been cooler if it was like how Demon Hunters worked.
It’s just the base race with new draconic customizations. I’d have rather had half-dragon versions of all the races than whatever a Dracthyr is suppose to be.
Yeah, I ran into this hard when I was trying to design mine. I wasn’t interested in the barbershop armor, which left me with… hardly anything. I had really wanted to see what one would look like in the traditional horde grunt armor set too, but you can’t do that. And given how I have no interest in their visages, that whole aspect of the race is a waste for me.
On the whole, I felt really let down with them as a dragon race.
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I completely agree, but have been making the assumption Blizzard released it this way because they didn’t actually want to (or didn’t have time to) fit the looks of all the available gear to the new models.
It’s a shame and I’m hoping it’s fixed in the future.
It was a neat idea at first but at least they considered the tabard/shoulder outfits. 
Could’ve been worse. Could’ve just had no mog like druid forms. Though that’s not much of a consolation, sure, it’s still pretty crummy.
Well tbh it makes sense for druids to not have mogs. We shapeshift into animals. Not humanoid animals, pure animals. I just wish that we could get the customization options. 10.2 is a good step in the right direction. I just want to play a black and red blood moon vamp kitty. Or just a night warrior kitty with moon and feather jewelry
The whole thing screams “rush job”.
Geckos, really?
If I’m honest, I wish the Dractyr had never come.
Blizz knows that mail mog options suck so this was a mercy stroke. Instead of me going through tabs if garbage mog, I just can’t see it in lizard form.
Me too
I would alt one but without proper mogging, i’m like, no
I think they should just allow separate transmog for Dracthyr/Visage and Worgen/Human forms. This would be an easy Band-Aid fix for the most glaring problems.
It is more stupid that they told us their sets would at least be custom made for them and the concept art for the tier set looks so good but in game just shoulder and waist… it’s terrible.
I really wish they didn’t create the Visage form so more dev time was spent on the actual Dracthyr model… the entire concept of visages for the Dracthyr is stupid. It makes sense why dragons use it but Dracthyr are “mortal” sized
Also definitely not made just for them, because the only shoulders that have a gold that matches the gold on the red gold set are: ONE of the red dragonflight themed shoulders and not even the fancy one, and the Trial of Valor vestments that Evokers can’t unlock on their evoker, the have to do it on a hunter or shaman.
There hasn’t been a single piece of Evoker tier yet that actually matches the color of their barbershop armor, it is always off on the main color, the trim color, or both.
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i want that catraptor form for cat form
" I feel like blizz did Dracthyr dirty"
Well. They did. From head to toe everything about the Dracthyr is wrong. I’m sure someone in the character model/art/development department has played BG3, and learned that fitting a playable dragon in an RPG is possible. Heck, Microsoft might even lengthen the leash enough to fix this abomination.
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This is why I can’t ever play a Drac. Tmog is too big for me. I’ve literally spent the last 2 days farming a single pair of tmog boots that refuse to drop.