I feel like blizz did Dracthyr dirty

Moreover dragon visages are convincing. When nozdormu uses his visage you’re staring at a high elf. When my dracthyr uses his, you’re staring at a thing with ashes on its face, weird eyes, elf ears, weird hair and horns. It’s tacky and makes no sense. Dragons learned and started using visage forms to interact with the mortal races because a gigantic blue dragon is gonna scare the townsfolk. But a dracthyr visage scares ME


if you see who designed dracthyr it all makes sense


they could of been amazing but they were rushed. I mean when i heard the idea of dragon characters I thought “Oh nice I can make a dragon person with a pandaren or vulpera visage” but then they revealed you could only pick the ugly elf boy or uglier human girl and then they force feed you that line of “A visage is how you see yourself” when dracthyr never had any real choice in visage… yeah no it was poorly done

Oh no say it isn’t so… Blizzard rushed a race? Never they could never do such a thing they take full time and effort on every race they ever make… Said no one ever. Have you seen what races they rushed and it shows. Worgen and Dracthyr. Its a bit of a shame.

If you wear/mog the wrong belt (or maybe just if you don’t hide the belt): your loincloth disappears, and you’re running around like Winnie-the-Pooh in dracthyr form. :dizzy_face:

They’ve done some solid work like the incubus and new Worgen models

Ehh I’m fine with being naked in dracthyr form, i just with they made their tier sets actually for their entire body like they told us in concept

There’s a lot wrong with Dracthyr, for me - but the mog issues and the class-lock are the worst offenders, and why I don’t play mine that much.

It’d be nice to eventually be able to separately mog visage and dragon forms, or at least have the ability to turn on/off shoulders and belt display on the dragon half. I hate making a good mog on my visage form, only for it to clash awfully with the armor I put on them in character creation while in dragon form. So I basically have to choose which form to stay in outside of combat, which feels kind of against the spirit of having a button to freely shift between them.

Though, at this point I’d take class unlocks over mog fixes. I just want to make more than one drac per server, and actually be a warrior - not a bad mid-range mage with dragon flavoring. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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It’d be one thing if I’d selected the “no armor” option, but I selected that loincloth because I liked it.

I mean look at them. Bizzaro chicken looking race.

Then they make drakonid npcs that are boss in the same xpac and we cant even be them lol

I created a Dracthyr but haven’t leveled it, and probably won’t. I don’t care for the way they look, their lore background, or the way Evoker plays, so my interest level just isn’t there. I don’t think it ever will be.

Both male and female Dracthyr are just Blood Elves and Humans with horns and scales.
Where Blizzard really did the Dracthyr dirty was not following through with realizing the concept art in-game, which looks infinitely more interesting than what we ended up with:


I was fully expecting the plan to be the specialized dracthyr armor to be a huge draw for people playing the race - specifically for cool mogs and changable body forms. Instead we got wildly unbalanced support spec with abilities that play a broken tune. The armor component fell flat on its face. Oh and we got copy pasta leveling patch zones with minimal new gear mogs too. So… I guess we heap whatever they started working on armor wise into the Trading Post in about a year?

Saddest part about so many of these expansions. You see so much cool opportunity everywhere but then get mediocre half baked content.

worse when they keep ignoring them afterwards rather than doing the right thing and finishing them, in dracthyr’s case it’d be more visage options and allowing us to see our armor on dragon’s form and for worgen…well yeah there’s a long list of things they should give worgen in form of customizations like optional tails or even straight posture for the males. I mean the dracthyr use the worgen frame and have a tail so why can’t worgen get a tail too instead of made fun of by dracthyr ladies?

I would like to shift the attention to Mechagnomes. At least Dracthyr have open options to log their vistage form when out of combat.

We’re stuck like this permanently. Wanna mog your hands? Nope. Wanna mog your boots? Nope. Wrists? Nope. Pants? We get “diapers”.

Not to mention that most helms on us look funny. Or shoulders.

The sad part is that this expansion is drawing to a close. Once the new thing is announced, the Dracthyr are going to hit the bench super hard and stay there. Forever. Monk status.

None of the visual issues with the race will be addressed at that point.

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At the very least, I’d like new barbershop armor every expansion

It is crazy we can’t mog our own tier. But I’d settle for more barbershop options


I’m saying this as someone who finds dracthyr underwhelming on multiple levels: comparing them to “chickens” is a stretch to rival the perennial comparison of draenei to goats. Which is saying something.

Sadly Dracthyr isn’t the first time Blizzard took a cool concept race and did em dirty. Just look at what Worgen could have been:

What we got:


Wacky wavy inflatable tube man

Oh they thought about it. They thought it wasn’t worth the time to do it properly

Dracthyr’s design is lazy in so many ways, but the transmog limitations I think are the greatest offense. You have a race that’s basically locked out of an entire game feature because Blizzard didn’t feel like fitting armor on them properly.

The one time we get a new caster and Blizz decides to drag their feet and cut corners

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I can only hope Dracthyr finally get the rest of their mogging visuals announced at Blizzcon along with additional classes.

Also Drakonids and or Sethrak, or Saurok, or all of them. More variety reptiles to play is also great.