I feel like a god right now in bgs

I doubt you would do that to a 221 rogue with PvP gear, my Ret is 225 with 7% vers and while he can kill other players fast, he also dies fast.

LOL! They are actually finally viable, like have you played a BM at level 60? They are not OP, I get taken to Rateds cause I can defend nodes from rogues, that is it pretty much.

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daily reminder that dying isnt permanent in battlegrounds and youll eventually get better gear


Thatā€™s the entire point of PvP. You need to learn to take beatings before you dish them out.

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That might be true for likeā€¦ Deepwind? Now Iā€™ll admit, macro is super important and scrubs often neglect it because they want to slam their faces into the biggest fight possible (instead of slamming their faces into fights that they can win guaranteed). But even macro-heavy maps like Deepwind and AB pivot over big teamfights. You can rotate nodes and keep the other team chasing you if you have a lead, but youā€™re going to have a very tough time getting that lead in the first place if your team is undergeared.

This problem gets worse on more teamfight-heavy maps. In WSG, flag caps often come down to who can punch the other teamā€™s bear and his healers harder. EotS is often determined by who can control mid more (the counterplay here is to backcap towers to force mid to peel off, but flag caps are where teams pull ahead of each other). The only way youā€™re going to convert an enemy cart on Silvershard is by killing off more of the enemy team sitting on the cart. Kotmogu is a junk BG largely in part because itā€™s a giant slugfest, which also means itā€™s a giant gearfest. And so on.

Macro wins games. Gear also wins games. You need both to be successful in BGs, but gear makes more of an impact simply because slugfests are the easier way to win. And in the case you do try to backcap farm/stables, you still need gear comparable to whoeverā€™s sitting the flags so that you donā€™t get blown up in 4 hits.

This is the new business model and youre the baitā€¦
You destroy people who then get pissed off or desperate and they buy tokens to get carried for gear. Its how blizz makes money now


Damage and healing output is what lands kills so you can secure nodes in the first place, I think most everyone would agree with that.
However, I assume Ehiztari is simply stating that mechanics are what win games because the mechanics are what give you points on the board. You can have top 1% geared players on your team but if theyā€™re all fighting roads for HKs without contesting objectives then they will lose.
Ultimately, yes mechanics are what win games. But realistically, winning games is a multitude of factors which all contribute to a win condition. In other words itā€™s a mix of what people are discussing in this thread. Damage, healing, mechanics, strats, node ninjas, etc.


True. I think the big thing to remember is that, more than anything else, gear disparities might affect lower BG brackets more because lower-skilled players love to fight (usually at the worst times). Which I guess is fine for random BGs and low-rated BGs, but itā€™s just misery when you take an alt into an RBG, shotcall the efc, and then fold in half to a random warr out in mid because he has 30 ilvl on your alt.

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I didnā€™t say he never dies. But I mostly kite and skirt melee and just PVE people to death, so it works out.

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Riiiggghhhtttā€¦ Because unrated conquest gear is so good lolā€¦ Or that the grind isnā€™t heftier than any other time weā€™ve had vendors.

Itā€™s why people are totally sticking around.


if people cant handle dying in a battleground they shouldnt be anywhere near battlegrounds


While there are certainly a fair number of people who have quit or left because of this current system, itā€™s not accurate to imply that itā€™s a majority percentage without any sort of statistical evidence. Especially since the majority of people who are leaving WoW donā€™t even play PvP to any notable extent.
I myself am barely playing and my sub isnā€™t renewing after this cycle but itā€™s because I am bored of WoW as a whole, not because of PvP or gearing. The gearing system makes no difference to me because Iā€™d get it all anyway. WoW is just a stale, boring, dying, chore of a game.

Wait until there is no one left because the PVP is so broken and imbalanced, you and your buddies can circle jerk in your starting area. I told everyone this would happen. PVP is dead.


I mean Luda labs showed that participation was 1/3 of what it was last season at the same time. That was still early season. If it gets to 1/3 of mid last season middle of this season? I didnā€™t PvP much last season but Iā€™ve done even less this season.

Not great.

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My response was not about participation numbers.
My statement was that you implying a large portion of people are leaving because of gear is not supported by any sort of evidence. People are leaving for numerous reasons.

Itā€™s alright. My Priest feels pretty geared now in mostly honor gear. But I definitely would rather honor gear just be like rival ilvl and conquest duelistā€“leave the upgrading BS with renown and CR gating out of it.

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Eh fair I suppose. Still, I basically havenā€™t qued explicitly because of gearing. I donā€™t feel like wading through the toxicity of lfg for average at best gesr.

You honestly donā€™t think a lot of people who would never get good gear are sticking around? Locked covenants and stuff suck too but thatā€™s not why Iā€™m not queing.


Thank you. BM is in a good spot finally and actually playable and ppl complain, we arenā€™t gonna wtf global someone in .4 seconds like half the classes and our CC is the only skill shot type CC in the game and hardest to land. Also our kick although ranged is absolutely trash. Itā€™s a 3 sec lockout on a 24 sec cooldown. Most kicks are longer locks with half that CD. Also we are the squishiest range class with terrible self healing. We have a 2 min heal that does like 20-25% of our hp. The only saving grace is our legendary which any hunter spec absolutely needs or we are unplayable. Ppl think bc the dmg is easy anf instant that the entire toolkit is super easy. And now bc of the changes we donā€™t even prioritize mastery over crit after vers/haste bc kill command is dead button. So the pets do less overall dmg. Anyone that thinks BM is so OP please roll one. So you can see


If people donā€™t like the gear system then sure they may stop playing.
I donā€™t really care either way, like I said I have no issues getting gear. I either join a team or start my own.
But I am not playing WoW because the game is :poop: right now. So I go play other stuff.
LoL, Warzone, and various steam games are much funner to me than WoW at the moment. And numerous more good games launching over the next couple months.

Iā€™ve shifted some additional focus on movement and staying alive. With some good results. Granted I only que lvl 60 random BGs, epic BGs and Brawls.

Iā€™m wondering if they are slowly implementing hidden scaling. Hope they are as a little tweaking may go a long way to improving everyoneā€™s experience.

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