I failed him

I was going through Dun Morogh, doing Trogg quest in the quarry cave, when this wee dwarf warrior tries to tag along. No invite, no nothing, just being careful, I’m sure little fella felt safer with someone close.

I see him pull 2 mobs, and grab 1 off him. I kill it swiftly, being 3 levels above, but poor fella was struggling.

He’ll be fine, I think to myself, and move on. 2… 4… 6 mobs dead, I turn back and find his corpse. He died, alone, cold, clubbered by troggs, right under my nose.


Awww. You’re not able to see the future, and it wasn’t your responsibility to make sure he didn’t die. What the heck was he doing in the cave alone at such a young age? :slight_smile:

I was in Westfall when I noticed a Dwarf taking on a coyote and a vulture at once. Being that I was on with my hunter, I just pew-pew-pew’d til one was dead, in case he’d aggro’d more than he planned.

He then sent me a /tell thanking me, because he had just d/c’d and come back to two mobs on him!

All you can do is try to help out when you can; there are no guarantees how everything will turn out, but at least you tried your best and thought everything would be okay for your little guy. And at least I was able to help out in a situation I hadn’t even realized was happening.

Sometimes ya win, sometimes ya lose.


I periodically do a /who and I’ll see a bunch of level teen-nothings in Burning Steppes or Winterspring.

I have no idea why. And not even the same guild. Are they being rushed? A single hit and they’ll go poof

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Some folks just weren’t meant for this cruel world.


They are underground, they are bots that can fly hack underground and mine / herb

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Just unreal. Really sad.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Blizzard does not provide the Classic team any bot killing support, nor do they (blizzard corporate) likely want to do anything about the gold botters because they are “subs”

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f in chat yall

burning steppes they might be on flight paths too… SW-IF goes over it.


Very true, there are tons of subterranean bots tho.

edit: meant to respond to OP. Oh well.


Always carry his memory with you, so that your determination and attention not fail you when you need it most.

Light be with you.

Did you dance on his corpse? I would have danced on his corpse.

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A hardcore tale as old as time. This sort of scenario happens every 30 seconds around the world…of warcraft.

We share a comradery because we try so hard, but in the end it doesn’t even matter.

jerkish move to let him die like that

Healed a young warrior in need who was having trouble.
Sat to take a deep and necessary drink.
Young warrior farted on me because I didn’t immediately give him pw:fort (because I was oom).
Not sure what the lesson is here.


He was a good boy.

He died because of you. If you would have never pulled his add he would have ran for greener pastures. You gave him a false sense of security. Do me a favor and don’t touch any mobs i aggro ok? If i needed help i’d be in a group. People solo for a reason. Mind your own next time.

Some that are trying to reach Lights Hope Chapel or some similar spot at low level. It seems to be some sort of “I dare you” at the moment.

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That’s nothing, warrior steals chest behind mob I was killing, then whispers “Buff???”

Sure hope he found himself a stamina scroll in that chest.