I failed him

He zug’th until he could zug’th no more

Like a true warrior

Rest in paradise, king.

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I have watched a lot of streamer death videos in HC. The amount of them that are strait up 100% avoidable or strait up stupid deaths are beyond me. They are playing it like they would play retail or normal classic where you can just kamikaze groups without any recourse to your actions. Some seem to be in their own little world without paying any attention to what is going on around them or even what they have in their inventory or on their action bar that could save their lives.

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Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

The worst ones I saw is when people run and hit mobs. Like they’re trying to run away, and yet, they keep hitting the mobs. And then they wonder why mobs are still chasing them.

I was trying to tame the rare spawn Timber on my hunter for the sake of it. The moment I pulled the pack, another hunter came along and stole the tame while I was dealing with its canine entourage.

The hunter then genuinely expected me to thank him for ‘saving me’.

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