I don't want to forgive, I don't want to forget

It is necessary to remember that I was accompanying a criminal guilty of attacks against the Alliance and the Horde and that in fact the horde requested our support against the Zandalari.

The princess is not in danger, she was only in preventive prison awaiting hearing.

And let’s not forget that if you had not raised Zul we would have avoided many problems


Nah, that’s just the Alliance helping a struggling nation abolish the innately oppressive system of hereditary monarchy. If we were allowed to keep doing what we were doing, the Zandalari would be enjoying the fruits of a democratic republic right now.

I think it’s more accurate to say you took a member of a royal family and threw her in a cell like she was trash. Also, Zandalar doesn’t want a democratic republic. In fact, isn’t the royal crown of Stormwind a hereditary monarchy? Dad got disenchanted, kid took over and is now the best marionette on the block.


not even that we only ask you not to interfere.

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This is your version, and it’s the one I’m talking about.

Genn Greymane: King Rastakhan of Zandalar… On behalf of the Alliance, and in the name of King Anduin Wrynn, I hereby request your surrender.
King Rastakhan: You…an exile without a homeland…you dare invade dese sacred halls and demand dat I turn my kingdom over to you?
King Rastakhan: De Zandalari built an empire dat would endure for over ten-thousand years…while your barbaric ancestors scuffled in de dirt.
King Rastakhan: WE conquered this world. WE brought it glory. You…you are nothing. Merely de latest in a long line of savages seeking to undermine our greatness.
King Rastakhan: No, I will not surrender. Because no matter what happens here today…Zandalar will stand long after your Alliance has crumbled to dust.
King Rastakhan: But if you are so eager to meet Bwonsamdi…den step forward. De Loa of Death awaits!
King Rastakhan: Zandalar forever!
Genn Greymane: So be it. Heroes… you know what must be done.

Step 1: Nicely ask that Rasta hands his proud civilization over to a hostile force.
Step 2: Murder.

Where am I misreading this dialogue?


It is. That’s how we know how bad the system is. Trust us and stop resisting.

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I think surrender is a different word than submit.


The meaning is the same in this context. Alliance are the attackers, demanding surrender is demanding submission.


that’s your opinion we are not the horde.


Pretty sure Rastakhan became terminally ill with a case of the ‘inevitable and very much brought on by hubris’ type death, seen RIGHT about here:


You don’t have to do either.

Like, she’s convenient to us stopping the Jailer.

Worst case, we just leave her in the Shadowlands for good a la Draenor is freeeeeeeee. Worst-er case, insert your edgelord fanfiction fantasies here.

I can’t even prevent his undeserved redemption, I just want to stay out of it.

Any warlocks around that can cast Unending Breath on me? I’m drowning in haters’ tears, here. :rofl:


Pretty sure there is an option to not do the quest.

“We’ll let you kill this traitor of ours if you let us kill off your entire military.”


Just say naw mate and do a 360 to walk away and farm anima.

I don’t like boring characters, there’s nothing at stake, there’s nothing to risk. It’s like betting five bucks that the cubs won’t make it to the world series. I really don’t even want to kill Sylvannas, I’d rather she be trapped in the jailer’s unwashed armpit for all eternity and left to be forgotten.


I know right. He was being controlled by the jailer. Sylvanas was missing her soul/part of her soul.

They both murdered a ton of races.

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The standard change depending of either or not people like a character. Just look how people gladly accept bolvar redemption even after he asked the DK to commit genocide.

Redemption is ok only if people like the character. If not then it is the worst story telling ever.


There’s a famous saying

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”

In unrelated news,

Death to old lady slyv

For Teldrassil