I don’t want to buy a subscription because I can’t figure out how/where to buy my first mount.
Welcome to World of Warcraft!
Have a chat with Katie https://www.wowhead.com/npc=43694/katie-stokx
Huh, I could swear most of the beginner tutorials grant you a mount nowadays instead of pointing towards the general mount vendor + riding trainer which was super pricy back then in Classic.
May have misremembered, it’s been awhile since my stable got full of too many neglected mounts looks back over shoulder yea hm.
If you are playing retail, you have a tab you can check to see if you have any mounts.
At the bottom right of your screen click on Warband Collections or Shift P, then at the bottom of that open screen should be a tab for Mounts.
Keep in mind, they will be faction lock to the faction they are on (example horses will be alliance only), and if outside of the respected races, will need to be exalted with the expected faction to purchase as well (example human needs to be exalted with Ironforge to purchase a ram).
In other words, odds are very good that the first mount you can buy will be from your own race’s mount vendor, simply because you won’t have the reputation with any other racial faction to gain access to their mounts.
I cannot fathom, OP, how you have no idea where to go…but somehow have as many mounts and achievements as you do. This is not the area of the forums to troll.
Let’s try not make assumptions based on a limited understanding of a person’s situation.
I think for anyone seeking information on where to find trainers and mounts this thread has it now.
If anyone learning to play needs more help I’d recommend the New Player Forum or the Returning Player Forum.